61: Late Night Chats

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There was a light knock on the door, and Mark stood from the couch to answer it. He knew it was Jackson. Cora had answered the camera on the wall and spoken quickly before speeding off to put on pants, since she had refused to wear them when it was just her and Mark. Mark chuckled to himself, finding his girlfriend to be quirky and adorable as he reached for the doorknob.

Jackson stood on the other side, looking resigned and tired. He was probably exhausted but when Cora asked someone to do something, it's more or less a command not an invite. His hands were hidden in the pockets of his black hoodie and his blonde hair was mostly hidden under his hood, only his bangs visible, brushing just above his eyes, which looked more exhausted than the rest of his features. "Hey man," He said lightly, sliding past Mark and into the apartment. "Cora said you had spare food."

"It's not home cooked." Mark smirked, closing the door.

Jackson groaned and slammed down on the couch, hands still in his pockets, and with his head thrown back. "I could really go for some of that galbitang Cora used to make for you."

"I agree." Mark said, starting towards him and sitting on the far end of the couch, leaving enough room for Cora, who would stretch out on Mark's lap with her feet thrown on Jackson. She always did when it was just the three of them, back before things were weird and complicated. "She hasn't really gotten the chance to cook recently, what with the debut, practice and Min-" He stopped himself. "You know the girls can be dramatic." His attempt cover wasn't fooling anyone.

Jackson became noticeably green. "Yeah well," He said, groaning. "I just miss it, ya know?" Mark nodded. "Sometimes, fast food just doesn't cut it."

Cora's door opened and she moved out, still wearing Mark's yellow donut hoodie and her yellow calf socks, but now wearing a pair of black shorts. "I can make it some time this week for you," She said, climbing over the back of the couch and slamming down between the boys. "Things have really winded down. We don't really do those crazy challenge practices anymore, even though it's just me, Maria and Reina. And Yuna but the way she's been talking, I don't think she wants to do this silly competition anymore." She sighed. "It's ridiculous. So I'll have time to make some food."

Jackson shrugged. "It's fine if you don't. I don't mind."

"You need a pick-me-up." Cora said, laying her head on Jackson's shoulder. "And I know just how to do that. Food. Food is the best pick-me-up to ever exist." She said, laughing.

Jackson shrugged. "It's getting pretty late." He said, looking down at his watch. "I know I just got here and all, but you guys probably want to go to sleep. We all have practice in the morning."

Cora frowned. "Stay here with us! We can sleep on the floor like we all did that one time. I can bring out all the pillows and blankets and we can have a movie marathon." Jackson made a face and opened his mouth to tell her it was a bad idea, but she scowled. "Jackson. I don't take no for an answer. And you know it."

Jackson sighed. "Fine, whatever, I'll stay for a while."

"For the night!" Cora commanded.

Jackson looked to Mark, who simply shrugged his shoulders. It hadn't been a day since he and Cora had slept together, and he figured a little time would be good, though Jackson clearly thought they had something planned as he looked incredibly uncomfortable and unsure. "All good, Jackson. Let's get started!" He said, standing and moving to grab the remote.

Jinwoo stared at MinHee the whole time she ate. When the two had returned to her apartment, Jinwoo made her a quick meal since she'd hardly eaten when she was out with the girls, and since she was famished from working out. The moment she sat down, he sat across from her and stared at her, as if he was nervous she was going to say something life changing.

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