20: Visiting

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MinHee stopped outside of the producer’s trailer and knocked on the door. “Don’t come in!” Someone shouted. MinHee waited. The director had fallen ill with some sort of virus that was causing him to pass out after he vomited six times on set that morning. They’d cancelled filming for the day. So she was leaving the set.


The door to the trailer opened, the the producer moved out of the trailer and into MinHee’s direction. “Hey, sorry about cancelling for the day.”


“It’s okay,” She said, crossing her arms in front of her. “I was actually coming to ask if it was okay that I went back to Seoul for the day. My boyfriend, uh, sprained his ankle,” Though she wasn’t sure, since no one had told her exactly what had happened to him. “And I’d like to go see him.”


The producer nodded. “Yes of course! Here,” She said, digging into her pocket and producing a key. “You can borrow the company’s car for the day, since I know you don’t have one of your own. Just be sure to be back for filming tomorrow.”


MinHee nodded her head. “Of course. Thank you,” She said, turning and starting back towards her trailer to get her wallet and a few other belongings. When she opened her trailer, Malai was standing inside, pulling her hair supplies back into their bag. “Oh, hey, are you going home today too?”


Malai shook her head. “No actually. I’m stuck here.”


MinHee frowned. “Would you like to come back to Seoul with me then? I’m just going to see my boyfriend, but I don’t want to leave you here alone.”


Malai’s eyes widened, and MinHee knew immediately that Malai wanted nothing more than to go with MinHee. “Are you sure?” She asked, her polite nature clearly getting the better of her.


MinHee rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly. Of course I’m sure.” She said, grabbing her purse and slinging it onto her shoulder. “I just need to call Bambam and ask if Jackson is in the dorm or at the apartment.”


“He has two different places he stays at?” Malai asked, following behind MinHee out of the trailer.


MinHee nodded. “Yeah, he’s currently on the Roommate cast.” She said, shrugging her shoulders. “And then sometimes he’s back at his dorm with the rest of his band members.” She clicked the alarm button, and one of the cars on the far side of the set beeped. “There’s our ride,” She said, smiling.

Cora was sitting on the couch of the old apartment with her fingers slowly moving through Mark’s spiked up hair. He sat on the floor in front of her, his head resting against her legs, with his phone pressed to his ear.


“She is?” He asked, looking up at Cora.


“What?” Cora asked.


Mark smirked but didn’t answer her. “Yeah? Alright, I’ll swing by the dorms and bring her back with me.” He winked at her. “Mhm. See you then.” He pulled his phone away from his ear. “So MinHee’s coming home for the day to see Jackson. Bambam said to stop by the dorm and pick you up to take back to ours with me.” He stood and sighed. “Wanna come?”

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