53: Night With You

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Cora lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling above her, her hand intertwined with Mark's. He had one arm stretched over her, holding onto her side, and his head lay right beside hers, his slow breaths brushing past Cora's face as he slept.

But she couldn't sleep.

She was too jittery, and yet she was completely still. She ached a little, which was to be expected from what she heard, but she'd enjoyed herself. And she figured, since he was still holding onto her so tightly, Mark enjoyed himself as well.

She bit her lip, and tears brimmed her eyes. For what, she wasn't sure, but god, did she feel on top of the world. She turned slightly, looking at her boyfriend. His eyes were twitching underneath his eyelids, and his lips tugged at the edges. She wondered what he was dreaming about.

Slowly, she let go of his hand and shimmied out from underneath his arm, sliding off the bed. But his hand caught hers, and she spun around.

Mark looked up at her, one eye opened and only part way, and a look of discomfort on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked lightly.

Cora nodded. "Yeah, I'll be right back," She said, sliding her hand from his and walking towards the bathroom door.

She turned on the light and stared at herself in the mirror. She was a little shocked at what she saw.

She had a bite mark on her shoulder. She didn't remember Mark biting her at all. And there were bruises on her forearms and inner thighs. She did remember those. She had always bruised like a peach, but she hadn't told Mark to stop, so the bruises were the results. And finally, just beneath her navel, was the small trace of a hickey. God, if this was what she looked like, she didn't want to see what Mark looked like in the morning.

Her hair was a mess, so she used brushing it as her excuse for why she went to the bathroom. She didn't really have to use the bathroom, she just didn't want to be laying down. Where Mark was completely wiped of energy, Cora was wide awake. She could feel adrenaline pumping through her veins, and her heart racing in her chest, even though she and Mark had been laying away from each other for more than a few hours. The first time always meant something, right?

She brushed her hair, and then brushed her teeth, before turning back towards the door that lead to her bedroom. She was slow, since her eyes hadn't adjusted to the dark, but when they did she moved across the room and grabbed Mark's tee, pulling it over her chest and then inching back towards the bed.

As she slid under the covers, trying to position herself comfortably, Mark's arms wrapped around her, and his lips pressed against the nape of her neck. "Hey," He whispered.

"Hey," Cora whispered back, trying to cover her blush reflexively.

He tightened his grip on her, resting his head just above hers. "Are you wearing my tee?" He asked, and she nodded her head lightly. "Why?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Is it," He asked, one hand playing with the seam of the shirt. "Because you're somehow self conscious about me seeing your body?" She started to turn towards him to deny it, even though it was partially true. "Cora," He started, laughing. "I've literally just seen you naked for most of the night."

"Shut up!" She hissed, slapping his chest.

Mark immediately laughed. "What? Are you afraid someone might hear?" He asked, sitting up. "If that's the case, you should have worried about it hours ago because you were loud."

"Shut up!" She demanded, punching his shoulder.

He laughed again. "I slept with Cora Matthews!" He called, and then her moved his face close to hers. "Because I love her. A lot." He said, pressing his lips to hers. "And because she looks cute when she wears nothing but my tee shirt."

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