65: Questions

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MinHee waited until Jinwoo had moved out of her room to head to work to pull out her phone and dial a number into her phone. It rang for a few moments before Cora answered. "Hey!" She said happily. "How are you?"

"Good." MinHee answered, biting her lip. "How are you?"

"Great. I'm glad you're going alright after what happened yesterday." She said, but her voice sounded strange, a little distant from the phone. "Are you busy?"

This shocked MinHee a little. She had called Cora with the intent of asking her to pick her up because she didn't want to be at home, she hadn't expected her to initiate it first. "No, why?"

She sighed. "I got myself into a bit of a situation. I have to make dinner for the boys. And lunchboxes for tomorrow. If I come pick you up with you help me out?" She asked, and before MinHee could answer she continued. "I know the boys will be so happy to see you."

MinHee laughed. "Of course I'll help."

"Alright I'm on my way. It'll be like... fifteen minutes." She said, and then the call ended.

Surprised, MinHee stood and began to gather her purse, phone charger and her shoes. She figured she would meet her at the gates of the housing pavilion, that way she didn't have to drive through all the warehouses. As she walked, she thought about questions she wanted to ask her. She was going to get to the bottom of a few things and that was that.

She needed to know what happened with Jinwoo. What really happened, from an outside perspective. She wanted to know how to go about the Jackson situation. She needed someone to support her in going back to work. She wasn't sure Cora would entirely support her, but she knew she wouldn't entirely shut the scenario down like Jinwoo had. She sighed and paced back and forth in front of the gates, trying to keep her mind of it for a little while.

Cora's car pulled up in front and she rolled down the passenger window. "Why are you standing out here? I would have driven up to your door!"

MinHee shrugged and opened the door to climb into the car. "I just wanted to get out of the house." She said, closing the door and buckling in. Cora took off and MinHee was a little more than surprised. "Do you always drive like this?" She asked.

"Yes." Cora answered. "Have you been in a car with one of your parents?" She asked and MinHee laughed. "How was your day?"

MinHee shrugged. "Alright. How was yours?"

"Well I got duped into making lunch for the boys for god knows how long." She said, shaking her head. "And was reminded that I owe them dinner. And now I have to deal with the new album." She shook her head. "But I'm glad you're coming over. I miss having you around."

MinHee smiled. "I miss being around." She said, staring out the window as they drove away.

Cora and MinHee had already commenced cooking, with every burner on the small oven turned on, the oven itself full of food, and hot plates plugged into every outlet, boiling pots of stews and soups. Cora had demanded they make as many things as they could, and took over the entire kitchen. Poor Maria had hid in her room to avoid the commotion.

"So," Cora started, as she cut glass noodles, claiming she didn't want anyone choking. "You have that look on your face that you get when you're thinking too hard but don't want to ask for help. What's on your mind?"

MinHee frowned. She often forgot just how well Cora knew her, especially at times like this. "Well, I've started remembering a lot of things and... I really need some answers."

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