57: Worked Up

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MinHee followed Cora out of the warehouse and started towards one of the many garden patches. They stopped for a bit and Cora looked around. "I don't know where he is. He said he was here already."

"Sister!" A voice called. Both girls looked around, but found nothing. "Up here!" There was a call, and the two girls spun towards one of the nearby buildings. There, on the top of the roof, stood two figures. Cora muttered something under her breath, and before MinHee could ask her to repeat, one of the figures leapt off the rooftop, plummeting towards the ground.

MinHee screamed loudly, and Cora elbowed her. Shocked, MinHee looked to Cora, who pointed towards the ground. The two stood on one side of a sort of hill. On the other side, right beside the building, was an airbag. The figure landed smack in the center and didn't move for a moment. Cora sighed. "He thinks he's magic." She said lightly, starting towards the deflating airbag. "He and his friends are the owners of a stunt doubling agency."

MinHee nodded. "I, uh, Jinwoo said something about that."

Cora nodded. "He is one of the owners." She said, continuing towards the bag. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't give my friend a heart attack, Nick." She held out her hand, and the boy who had smacked the airbag grabbed it, pulling himself to his feet.

He bent and dusted himself off, as if dirt had gotten on him, and then straightened. He had orangish hair, that reminded MinHee a bit of a fire, and eyes that were hazel. "Hey Minnie." He said happily.

"She doesn't remember you," Cora said lightly. She then turned to MinHee. "Minnie, this is Nick, my half brother. You're who discovered we were related when my dad was in Nick's shop and Nick called him dad. He was a dancer in Blaze, the group we used to do collaborations with."

Nick look surprised. "I forgot. I just figured since you two were together-"

"She remembers me since I've been around forever." Cora elaborate.

MinHee turned to Nick. "But it's nice to re-meet you. I hear about you from Cora, but more from Mikki."

Nick laughed. "Yeah, girlfriends are like that."

Cora's eyes widened and she then glared at her brother. "Oh!" MinHee said, surprised. "You're dating Mikki."

Nick nodded. "Officially since about a week ago."

"Aye!" There was a shout from the roof, and when Cora and MinHee looked up, the other figure was dancing.

Nick laughed. "I forget. Ryu loves that song." Nick turned and looked up. "You coming down?"

"Today? I don't know. Try me again tomorrow." Ryu shouted back, but he walked to the side of the building and pulled a cord, which he hooked onto something, and then he jumped off the roof, swinging and slamming a foot into the wall of the building, and pushing off until he reached the ground. He strode towards MinHee immediately. "I know you don't remember me either. I'm Ryu." He said, smiling sweetly.

MinHee took the hand he offered and smiled. "Jinwoo told me about you."

"Ah, that's right. You two are together." Ryu said, nodding.

Nick gasped. "What?"

Ryu nodded. "Yes."

"Since when?" Nick asked, looking shocked.

"A few days ago?" Ryu answered.

MinHee cleared her throat. "Actually, uhm, yesterday." She said, looking to Cora, who looked just as confused as her. "But, uhm, I'm glad it's not a secret or anything." Cora looked down at her feet and Nick laughed awkwardly. "Anyways, it's nice to meet you guys."

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