68: Moving Forward

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Cora had never hated anyone more in her life. How could he treat MinHee in such a way? All this time, Cora was trying to help her get out there, get her job back and be independent while Jinwoo was trying to keep her from going anywhere that wasn't his arms. She hated him, because he'd turned into his brother. A manipulative, demanding waste of space. Had she known this whole time, he probably would have been dead by now.

"I can't believe him. How long has this been going on?" Cora asked, looking to MinHee who had slunk sheepishly down in her seat. "Like a while or is this new?"

She sighed. "Honestly? For as long as I can remember since the accident. At first it seemed like he really wanted to help me but more recently, it's just him being in charge of me and me having to sneak around him."

"So he had no clue you went to the doctors today, did he?" Cora asked, parking the car in the garage of the Big Hit building. MinHee shook her head. "That's called toxic, Minnie. And I don't think you're going home tonight because I'm getting your locks changed. How did he even get a key?"

She shrugged. "When I was still having trouble with... everything, I gave him a key so he could help me out."

"Was it his idea?" MinHee nodded. "I'm going to murder him." She said, pulling the keys from the ignition and opening the door. "I'm actually going to kill him." She slid out of the car and her phone rang in her purse. She tugged it out and held the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"What are you doing for lunch?"

Cora laughed. "It's past lunch, Mark. I'm not sure what I'm doing for dinner."

"Okay sure what are you doing for food? That would have been a better question." He laughed. "Me and Jackson are going to a grill. Wanna come?"

Cora bit the inside of her lip. Would MinHee feel alright going? "I have Minnie with me. Is that okay?"

Mark muttered something, which was greeted with another voice that Cora couldn't make out. "Yeah that's perfectly fine."

"Great I'll come pick you guys up when you're off. I have to go settle some work stuff with Minnie. Love you," She said, hanging up before Mark even had the chance to say it in return. "Hey MinHee? Mark just called and wants to go to dinner at this barbecue place. I told him we would go, but Jackson's going to be there. Do you wanna come?"

MinHee shrugged her shoulders. "I don't see why not." She said easily. "But we should finish this stuff first."

"Of course."

Cora stood out front of the office for the director of MinHee's drama. She was sure MinHee would get her part back, and that they'd give her the script but sometimes bad things happened to these girls when they least expected it. She stared at the doors, willing MinHee to come out and happily tell her that she got the position back.

But when the doors opened, MinHee looked morbid. Cora sucked in a breath and started towards her friend. "So what happened?" She asked, biting her lip. "You got the job right?"

MinHee looked up at her, her eyes wide and almost sad. "Of course," She said, slowly smirking.

Cora laughed and punched MinHee's shoulder. "You suck, you know that? You had me so nervous there for a second."

MinHee laughed and shook her head. "There's no way they couldn't give it back. We've already apparently filmed so much it would be obvious."

Cora nodded in agreement. "I'm glad they gave you the role back. Are you ready to go for dinner?" She asked, turning and starting towards the car. "I figured you and I could ride in the front and the boys could ride in the back."

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