69: Memory Lane

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MinHee frowned at herself in the mirror. There was no way to express dry her shirt. She was going to have to wear Jackson's sweatshirt. Annoyed, she tugged it on and zipped it up before moving out of the bathroom and back to the table that the four sat at. "Sorry," She muttered.

"It's alright. I ordered a pot of green tea and water for you." Cora said, tugging her hair into a ponytail. "Oh! And also I got a whole bunch of different things so if you don't like the platter the boys picked, you can just eat some of mine."

"Oh!" Jackson bellowed, and Cora started laughing immediately. "You can share with MinHee but when I ask if I can have a slice of your beef you would have thought I had crashed your car into your mother's house."

Mark sighed. "That's serious business right there." He said lightly, lifting his water glass to his lips and taking a sip. "Anyways, MinHee. When do you start officially? Tomorrow?"

MinHee nodded. "Yes. I'm back in the group tomorrow but I don't start filming for another week or so. They're doing the scenes where Aiden's character still hadn't known me as well as the scenes where he's at a different college. My character has yet to transfer, so to speak." She said, smiling. "I read over the script while we were on our way over to pick you guys up."

Mark nodded. "Good. I'm glad you're working everything out. So does that mean that you're living in the dorms again?"

MinHee bit her lip. "I don't know about full time, maybe for this week. But after I get the locks changed at my apartment I'll stay there during filming hours."

Jackson's brow furrowed. "Your locks? Was something wrong with them?" He asked slowly. It wasn't in a demandingly slow way, like Jinwoo always spoke to MinHee with. It was slow like he couldn't be bothered to know the real answer but was just being polite.

She frowned. "Nothing was wrong. Jinwoo and I got into a fight and I don't want him getting in while I'm not home." She said plainly. Jackson stiffened beside her but continued to text on his phone as if nothing had happened. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that the name on the top of the message thread was that of a girl. Her heart dropped, and she wasn't sure why. After all, she'd told Jackson that she didn't love him anymore and that she was with Jinwoo. Just because things weren't going as planned didn't mean...

"I'm hungry!" Cora cried, dragging out her words and dramatically flailing backwards, her head dangling over her chair and her arms slack beside her.

Mark sighed. "We only just ordered, impatient girl."

Jackson dropped his phone onto the table. "I'm with her. I'm so hungry."

Just as he said this, the waitress moved towards them with an enormous platter full of uncooked meats and seafood, as well as vegetables and already cooked noodles. In the center of the platter was dozens of wooden skewers. MinHee had always loved barbecue places, but she hadn't been to one in a long time. She didn't really mind what was on the platter, but she would have ordered way more. Her eyes were bigger than her stomach.

Another waitress came in carrying a separate platter with bright red slices of beef, uncooked chicken, galbi and a variety of everything in between. Two bowls of rice accompanied vegetables and a bowl of a spicy looking soup.

"Jeez Cora, how much did you get?" MinHee asked.

Cora smiled. "Enough. For now."

Mark nodded. "Oh yeah, I've seen her eat way more."

Jackson laughed. "Which is why she's so good at cooking in large quantities." Mark nodded and the two began pulling meat from the platter and tossing it onto the grill. The abrupt sizzling made MinHee feel at ease. This wasn't professional, it wasn't hard and it wasn't a fight. This was a fun, easy time with three of her close friends. She needed to loosen up. She wanted to have fun.

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