66: Back At It

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All seven of the boys had demanded that Cora and MinHee stay to eat, so that way they could catch up and maybe MinHee would remember who they were. MinHee hadn't declined, so Cora had okayed the dinner.

Now, the nine sat in the living room and ate in silence, with the occasional thank for the meal. Finally, Cora spoke up. "I tried to make things I knew you guys liked, so I'm glad it worked out. MinHee did a lot of it though."

All seven gazes shifted to MinHee, and she blushed. "No, she's lying I just stood there and... stirred."

This earned a few laughs. "Well," Jin said thoughtfully. "I think the food is great, and I think it's great that you visited." He said, smiling at MinHee.

"Finally." V added.

Cora nodded. "Mm. We'll stop by more often, now that I owe you dinner and lunches."

"And lunches?" Jin asked, shooting a glare to Suga and Rap Monster. "What are you doing to this poor girl!"

Suga smirked. "She had a choice. Make us food and in turn receive help, or not make us food and continue using a third party."

Jin frowned. "I'm sorry my brothers are so rude." He said, directed to Cora, though he continued to eat regardless.

Cora stretched and set down her eating utensils. "Alright well, we need to be getting back to the dorms. Cho Hee and I had some things to go over and I need to take Minnie here home."

"So soon?" Jimin asked, smiling to MinHee.

MinHee shook her head. "I need to speak with Cho Hee. Maybe I'll stay the night? And come to practice tomorrow?"

"Then you can come visit when Cora brings me and Rap Monster our lunches." Suga said lightly.

"What?" J-Hope said suddenly. "Just the two of you?" He demanded.

Cora laughed. "I'll make some for the rest of you don't worry." She said, patting J-Hope's shoulder and standing. "Come on Minnie. We have some work to do." She said, petting Jungkook's hair affectionately. "You never come visit me anymore. I've seen every single one of the other boys, and you never come help me with my choreography anymore." She said slowly.

Jungkook laughed. "Tomorrow then."

"That doesn't count! I was already coming to see you tomorrow!" She hissed. "You're a horrible little brother."

"I am." He said sweetly.

Cora made a face at him. "You're not my favorite anymore. Among all these idiots, I liked you best!" The other six gasped. "Now it's Jin. And Jimin!" Both smiled happily, and V and J-Hope leapt to their feet. "But I'm busy I can't argue. Bye boys!" She said quickly, excusing herself and dragging MinHee with her.

MinHee closed the door behind them and followed Cora towards the elevator. "Do you often visit them?"

Cora nodded. "We're very close," She said, sliding her phone out of her pocket and texting Cho Hee. "Ever since we were signed on the label we've been good friends."

"Was I close with them?" She asked, practically cling to Cora's arm.

Cora nodded, stepping into the elevator. "Pretty close. Cho Hee's going to meet us in twenty minutes in the practice room. I'm not telling the other girls so we can get things done quickly." She said as the doors to the elevator closed.

Cho Hee sat in a chair in the center of the practice room, Cora stood with her arms over her chest leaning against the mirrors, and MinHee sat beside Cho Hee. They had already began discussing small things, like the steps the girls were going to be taking towards finishing their album.

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