07: White Lies

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Cora opened the door to Ji-su and Mikki’s dorm room and walked straight towards their bedroom. She opened the door and flicked on the lights.


“What the hell!” Ji-su hissed, sitting up and and rubbing her eyes.


Mikki groaned and rolled over, hiding her face in her pillow. “I should have never given you that key.”


“You didn’t have to. Every member has a copy of the keys, but since MinHee is gone, I’m new team leader until she gets back.” Both groaned in unison. “And in order to embrace my new leadership role, I’ve come to grovel and beg your forgiveness.” In her hands, she held a plastic bag filled to the rims with sweet bread. She pulled two out and threw one at each girl. “I brought you breakfast, so you can’t be entirely mad at me,” She said, sitting on the floor and unwrapping one for herself.


Mikki sat up. “I’m convinced you got them all for yourself and are sparing us one,” Cora nodded her head. “What the hell do you want Matthews?”


Cora sighed around her mouthful of sweet bread. “I wanted to make sure you know that I accept the fact that I was wrong. I should have never attacked either of you the way I did. It wasn’t the smartest move on my behalf, and I do regret it.” She said, pushing her hair out of her face. “Mikki, I’m actually kind of happy you're with Nick, because at least I know he’s dating someone I approve of, and Ji-su, it’s none of my business if you like Mark.”


Ji-su perked up. “So you’re okay if we date then?”


Cora swallowed hard, and she knew Mikki saw the pained look on her face, which was why she was smiling. “Uhm, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” Ji-su looked at her, confused. “I ran into Jimin the other day,” Ji-su rolled her eyes. “You shouldn’t turn him down just because you like someone else. I know you and Jimin get along well, and I remember you crushing on him not too long ago. Why would you give up his affection to chase someone who isn’t even into you.”


“How do you know Mark isn’t into me?” Ji-su asked.


Cora winced. “I meant might not. He might not be into you, but I wouldn’t know.” Mikki smirked and Cora shot her a warning glance. “All I’m saying is don’t shut down Jimin. He’s a really great guy, and he’s kind of really hot.”


Ji-su began tugging the plastic away from the bun, a superior expression on her face. “If you think he’s hot, then you date him.” Both girls smirked at each other and then looked back to Cora. “Or tell us the truth. You’ve been sneaking around with someone, and we want to know who it is. If you tell us, we’ll forgive you.”


Cora frowned. “Are you serious?”


Both nodded. “Completely.” Mikki answered.


Cora sighed. “Why is it important?”


“Because it is!” Ji-su exclaimed.


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