21: Plans

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Cora and Mark stood in the living room. JB and Jr. sat lounging on the couch, and Yugyeom was sprawled on the floor, reading some kind of comic. Youngjae had disappeared into the kitchen to retrieve food JB claimed to have eaten. Cora looked up at Mark, who shrugged his shoulders. “I think they should have some alone time. Especially since he just found out that Jinwoo has been hanging around the set.”




Mark pointed towards the room. “You didn’t hear that, just now, when Bambam and that girl left? He asked about Jinwoo.” Cora shook her head, eyes wide. Again, Mark shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I think they need some time.” He turned to JB. “Bubble tea?”


Cora looked to Jr. who smiled at her and patted the couch beside him. She moved to sit down, and he leaned towards her, showing her his phone, which had a whole message typed out. Cora took it and slowly started to scroll through it. The message was about how, while everyone else was gone, Jackson had brooded over the fact that MinHee had run off to see Jinwoo and left Jackson, telling him to stay. He said he was over it, but everyone knew he wasn’t, and the fuck that she was secretly hanging around with Jinwoo was a problem.


“No way,” Cora breathed, and Jr. nodded, taking the phone and sighing. “Do you think he’ll really be all that mad at her?”


Jr. laughed at this and shook his head. “Of course not! I mean, he’s angry about it, but she’s all he ever talks about. He’s really into her, you know.”


Yugyeom tsked. “Understatement. ‘Did you see MinHee’s sundress today? I swear, she dresses so cute. That was a rhetorical question Yugyeom, you better not be looking at MinHee’s dress.’ ‘You guys are so boring. Practice is so boring. I wonder what MinHee’s doing right now. She’s probably being all cute, writing music and humming in her adorable MinHee way.’” Cora was already laughing. “‘Sometimes, I steal MinHee’s shampoo so I can use it and smell just like her-”


“That does not happen!” Cora shouted, laughing hysterically.


Jr. shrugged a shoulder. “I mean, her shampoo is in our bathroom… but she did come over once after they went to the beach, and she left in Jackson’s sweats and a tee. But that doesn’t explain how it got there in the first place.”


Cora was turning red, and was out of breath, but the laughter didn’t stop. “That’s ridiculous! He’s not that crazy guys, really. I mean honestly, I think you’re over playing this.”


Jr. smirked. “Maybe, but it makes this fun.” He looked towards Bambam’s door, which was just barely opened. “So what’s up with that girl that came with MinHee? Know her story?”


Cora shook her head. “Don’t know a thing about her.” She sighed. “Minnie hasn't told me anything about the set or about the people who work there with her. I didn’t even know that Jinwoo was there, and I was involved in all that damn drama.” She said, shaking her head. “I don’t know what’s up, but she hasn’t said a word to me.”


Jr. frowned. “Feeling the cold shoulder too?” Cora made a face. “Yes, it’s true. Our dearest Minnie has shrugged me off as well!” Dramatically, he threw a hand over his forehead and threw his head back. “It hurts me! She denies my love oh so easily.”

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