23: Drama

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“So,” JYP started as the waitress placed their food on the table in front of them. “I understand you are currently in the middle of a drama, and I don’t want to interrupt-”


“Oh no, it’s no interruption.” MinHee offered, shaking her head.


He smiled. “I’m glad. I would like you to be the star of a drama with Hwang Chansung. It will be a comedy, and we do have the script ready for you if you’d like to see.”


MinHee nodded immediately. “Yes of course! I would love to see.” At this, JYP laughed and pulled a very thick bunch of papers from the bag beside him. He handed it to her. “This is mine?”


“To keep, yes. Even if you don’t take the part. But we do hope that you take the part.”


MinHee nodded. “I don’t plan on turning it down, sir.”


The rest of the night seemed to fly, with the two talking about the plans for the drama, and the upcoming album release for Passion. It neared nine, and MinHee excused herself, thanking JYP immensely for the part, and then moving to go get her car.


As she left, she opened her phone to find she had at least twelve missed calls, and sixteen unread messages. She didn’t have time. She needed to get back to the set with Malai. She would check them when she’d stopped to pick Malai up.


So she ignored the messages and called Malai instead, who picked up immediately. “Are you finished then?” She asked.


MinHee nodded. “Yes, I am. I’ll be there to get you in a few minutes?”


“We aren’t at the dorm. We’re at the mall.”


“What are you doing there?”


Malai was silent for a minute. “We got dinner, and went to see a movie.”


MinHee smirked. “Alright, so I’ll swing by the mall to get you then. See you in a few.”

Cora sat in silence as nurses and doctors moved in and out of her room, checking her monitor, asking if she felt any pain, to which she would only shake her head, and directing Mark to ensure she ate.


Eventually, Mark took her hand in his, and she looked to him in surprise. He looked dismal, tired, but he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. “You look better.” She shrugged. “I’m sure you’d look better if you got up and actually moved from that spot.” Another shrug. “You’ve been sitting in the same position for three hours, Cora. It’s time to move a little.”


“I don’t want to.” She said flatly.


“What’s the matter?” He asked, moving onto the bed beside her. “I get that you just had a severe allergic reaction, but you’re freaking me out. You’re never this upset.” He said, wrapping an arm around her.

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