29: Talking

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Everyone was silent. No one moved, aside from Mikki who was trying to fix her hair back into a ponytail, and Yuna who was fixing her clothes. Reina cleared her throat and moved past the other girls. "It's nice to have you home, Minnie." She said, starting towards her. "Maybe you and I should go back to our room so I can explain a few things to you."

MinHee looked to Cora, who nodded in agreement. She then looked to the other girls, who all looked at their feet, and Mark, who looked sorely out of place. "Alright," She said, nodding. "I guess I'll talk to the rest of you later." She turned and opened the door.

Typically, MinHee would have demanded answers right there, on the spot, but the look on Reina's face was desperate, and Cora looked like she was beyond over it all. She wasn't going to get answers that wouldn't start another problem unless she left with Reina to explain. "I swear, everytime you leave the room, everything turns into a battle." Reina said, laughing a little as she opened the door to their dorm.

"What the hell is going on?" MinHee demanded.

Reina sighed, turning on the light and moving further into the dorm. MinHee closed the door behind her and followed Reina further into the dorm. "Well, let's start from the beginning. The day you left, we started a serious regimen for dance practice and recording what we could without needing you there for it. Cora really took on the leadership thing, and it was going pretty well." Another sigh. "I'm not sure if you heard, but we're on the chopping block," MinHee had heard. But she hadn't heard from any of the other girls, she'd heard it from Jackson. "I guess we weren't doing well in our practices, or performing, or something."

MinHee nodded. "Yeah, I heard."

Reina looked her over for a second, and then nodded. "Alright, well, Cora took it upon herself to pull us out of that, and she did pretty well. We're not a for sure gone anymore, and we're not entirely in the limbo of possible offing." She bit her lip. "But the others have been a bit on edge from all of it already."

MinHee  made a face. "How so?"

"Well, Yuna refuses to sleep in the same room as the other two because there's no room, but Mikki and Ji-su are convinced its because she's trying to distance herself. Pretty much, a few of the girls are being dramatic, and it's caused Yuna and Mikki to constantly attack each other, and tell each other they wished they'd never signed on together." She shook her head. "We're now doing this weird dance challenge that Cho Hee set up, and the two have really taken it out on each other. I guess one of them took the wrong step during our final part of the dance, and for that they attacked each other."

MinHee nodded. "And that's it for Yuna and Mikki then?"

Reina shrugged. "There might be more, but they don't tell me much about what happens between them otherwise. Maria and Cora have moved past their stalemate. I guess Cora had apologized for the lying thing, and then when she had the allergic reaction, they spent the day together, and now everything is okay with them, but Cora and Ji-su are still butting heads."

"About the Mark thing?"

Reina nodded. "About the Mark thing. I guess one of the other girls slipped about how Ji-su was trying to be around Mark and goad him into asking her out and it made Cora uncomfortable. She hasn't confronted Ji-su about it, and she hasn't attacked her about it like she did before, but Ji-su has been getting on her nerves and I think that's what might be leading to her being so short."

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