06: Travel

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MinHee woke up to the blaring alarm beside her bed. She shot up and hurriedly turned it off, but Reina was already sitting up. “Sorry,” MinHee whispered, moving off her bed. “I probably should have just used my phone instead.”


Reina shook her head. “No, it’s okay, I wanted to help you bring your stuff down to the car, and see you off.”


MinHee offered a smile, but when Reina mentioned seeing her off, MinHee’s stomach twisted. She was going to China that morning. To meet Jackson’s parents. “Thank you,” She offered, moving towards her suitcases that were already waiting by the bedroom door.


The two didn’t speak as MinHee moved to get ready. Reina pulled her things to the door and out into the hall, and MinHee quickly ate some breakfast before hurrying out into the hall with Reina. “Are you nervous?” She asked, and MinHee nodded.


The two pulled the bags into the elevator, and were silent again.


When the doors opened, MinHee spotted Cora’s car already waiting for her. She turned to Reina, who offered a sad smile, and hugged her. “I appreciate you walking me this far, but it’s cold.” Reina laughed and nodded. “I’ll call you guys when I land, okay?”


Cora was already moving in to collect MinHee’s things, and Reina pressed the button back up to their floor. MinHee grabbed the remaining bags and trailed Cora out towards the car. “What time do you land?”


“Late tonight.” MinHee answered, throwing her bags into the trunk and then trailing around the car to the passenger side. Cora slid into the driver seat and looked over at MinHee. “Im nervous.”


Cora nodded. “Just be sure to drink a lot of water, okay? If you get dehydrated, you’ll get incredibly sick from the jet lag.” MinHee nodded and Cora pulled away from the dorm building. “So, to get your mind of things, did you know that Jimin was coming by to take Ji-su to lunch yesterday, and she turned him away? And apparently it wasn’t the first time she’d done it.”


MinHee smirked. “Really?” Cora nodded. “Why did she turn him away?”


“She said she was busy. But I think I’ll talk to her about it later.”


“She doesn’t exactly like you very much right now.” MinHee pointed out.

Cora frowned, stopping at the red light in front of them. “I’m going to continue to stress that everyone is putting this one on me. I did not start it, they did.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it anyways.”


MinHee nodded in understanding. “I told Reina that I’d call when I landed, but I think I’ll call you more often to make sure you aren’t getting yourself in trouble.”

Cora laughed. “Always.” She said, pulling to a stop in front of the airport. Jackson was already waiting beside the doors to their terminal, Mark at his side, looking incredibly bored with his life. Cora’s brow furrowed. “What is he doing here?”

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