50: Escape

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Cora's eyes parted slightly, greeted by a bright light and chirping birds. Someone left her window open, but she couldn't be too mad. Her neck ached, however, from how she'd fallen asleep. Mark had passed out on her lap the moment they walked into the room, and for that reason, when she'd decided to go to sleep, there wasn't much she could do.

She had slunk down slightly, turned towards Mark, and passed out in an awkward position. Mark cradled himself against her, his head pressed against her stomach and his hands wrapped around her waist, and she'd wrapped her legs around his torso and both of her hands were knotted in his hair. He was still asleep, slightly snoring, which made Cora laugh.

Mark pulled away from her, wrinkling his nose in discomfort, so Cora quickly untangled herself from him, and his face eased. "Poor little baby," She giggled.

"I'm not a baby." He said groggily, opening one eye and looking up at her. "You didn't sleep well?"

She shrugged. "I'll be okay." She said, sliding off the bed. Cora stretched her arms over her head and leaned from side to side, causing her back to crack loudly. "Thank god."

"You need medical attention." Mark said, sitting up and yawning. "I don't think that's normal." He said lightly, grabbed her and pulling her back to him, causing her to squeal and giggle, swatting at his hands. He began rubbing her shoulders, and she groaned, dropping her head. "Yeah, I figured." He joked.

She peeked through her hair at the clock on the nightstand. Seven thirty. She was so late. Without warning, she leapt away from Mark and raced around the room grabbing clothes from her dresser and her closet. "I'm late!" She rushed, not bothering to leave the room to change. "I'm thirty minutes late, and they're going to kill me!" She said, changing quickly.

Mark moved off the bed and grabbed his shirt, tugging it over his head and starting towards her. "Where are your keys? I'll go start the car." He said, kissing her cheek.

Cora, for whatever reason, could feel herself blushing. He'd seen her in a rush before, and he'd definitely kissed her cheek before, so why was she being so shy? "Should be hanging beside the door." She said, turning and pecking his lips. "Thank you."

He smiled. "Of course." He said lightly, starting out of the room as Cora continued to bustle around the dorm and find her things. She was going to hear and ear full from Cho Hee.

MinHee woke up to find her phone had over a hundred missed calls and messages. She frowned, sitting up in her hospital bed, and began scanning through the calls. Almost fifty of them were from JB and just shy of thirty were from her parents. A few were collectively from the Passion girls...

And two were from Jackson. One was a call, one was a text. She decided to start with her voicemail.

MinHee! Where are you? JB's voice squawked. Message deleted. MinHee! You can't just - Message deleted. Minnie, where are you? I - Message deleted. It went on like this for a good few minutes before Call me when you get back to the hotel. Message deleted. I think I'm done freaking out, but you're scaring all of us - Message deleted. She frowned. At least he cared, right?

MinHee, this is your father. Jaebum won't stop calling us. Please tell him you made it home safely. Message deleted. MinHee, it's your mother. We're getting a little worried, you haven't talked to anyone in a bit. I told your father you were sleeping but he won't listen - Message deleted. She laughed a little. Her poor parents. Im MinHee where are you? I called the hospital and they didn't answer either. Message deleted.

She shook her head, continuing to tear through the messages, until Jackson's voice filled her phone. Hey Minnie, it's, uh, Jackson. Uhm, I just... you left before we could talk about what happened. I think we need to talk. I really think we need to talk. End of messages. To repeat -

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