03: Acting Up

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Hair and makeup was a sinch for Passion. They were so use to it, they pretty much started the process when they woke up, so the stylists wouldn’t have to worry too much. This was the exact reason Cora was sitting on the couch texting Mark. She’d been thinking about the night before ever since she’d gotten home, and Minnie was suspicious.


She’d gone to the old apartment, and Mark was waiting for her. She knew no one would interrupt them, so she brought him to her old bedroom.


They did not do a damn thing. Which she was happy about. She didn’t want to sleep with Mark, only spend the night with him, like she had the night of her birthday, when she’d told him she loved him.


She smiled at the thought.


Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready?


Mikki slammed down on the couch beside her. “Who are you texting?” She asked, grinning widely. Cora casually slid the phone down and turned to Mikki, who grinned. “Is it Jongin?” She asked, gasping and punching Cora’s arm.


Cora frowned. “I told you, Jongin and I aren’t a thing.” She said, rubbing her arm. “I was texting my mom.”


“You expect us to believe that?” Ji-su asked, shaking her curled head. “We know you were out with him this morning.” She grinned. “Don’t forget I have his number. I can text him and ask.”


Cora spun to look at her, and glared. “I dare you, Ji-su.” She hissed, and Ji-su immediately backed down. Mikki shot her a warning look, but Cora snarled at her. “And you, get the hell off my back! Teasing me about Jongin, who I’m not even with. When are you going to fess up to screwing around with my brother, huh?”


Mikki looked taken aback. “You need to lose the attitude Cora, before we get out there. Let’s not ruin our career before it starts.” She stood from the couch and started to walk away, but stopped and turned to face her. “And by the way, your brother and I aren’t “screwing”. I’m sure if you talked to him, like normal sisters do with their brothers, you’d know exactly what we are to each other.”


Cora almost laughed. Did Mikki really think that was below the belt? Cora didn’t know Nick was her brother for years. Nearly twenty to be exact. Calling him on a regular basis was not part of her day to day schedule. She reached for her phone and opened the text Mark had sent to her before Mikki had slammed down beside her, and replied I have a feeling I’m dipping out of here early.

MinHee sat quietly in the leather chair she’d been pointed to as the stylist teased her hair. She was quietly humming to herself when Cho Hee approached her. She had a brilliant smile on her face, and she was clutching her phone tightly in front of her chest. “How’s your morning, sweetie?”


MinHee turned and looked at Cho Hee with narrowed eyes. “It was fine, but you’ve got something to say, don’t you?” Cho Hee bit her lip and nodded. “Then say it.”


Cho Hee squealed. “So, because of your performance in your last drama, a director is begging for you to be his lead in a new romance drama.” She bounced on the balls of her feet. “Please tell me you’re interested. Please!”

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