36: Fate

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Memories vanished into embers and ashes. The legendary Lovecraft Mansion crumbled like a paper castle, devoured by fire. Gold and diamonds melted along with sand and debris; hell didn't discriminate between gems and rocks.

An orange glow flickered in Zeo's eyes as he took one last glimpse at his past, knowing he would probably never return. Ronner waited for him in his old black limousine. Zeo hopped into the armored vehicle and nodded at his new ally, who gestured at the driver to move.

The powerful motor roared as they advanced through the front garden. Zeo leaned his face against the cold window, allowing his thoughts to wander away. Ronner sat on the opposite side with two doctors in front of him: a man and a woman, who used electrodes to cauterize his wounds and fixed his broken arm.

"Can you control your Vectors now?" Ronner asked calmly, ignoring the knives slicing his skin.

"Vectors?" Zeo replied as the city lights flashed before his eyes. "I don't know. That was the first time I did something like that."

"Those spectral arms you summoned are called Vectors. It's a telekinetic ability that turns the matter around you into conductors of electric impulses connected to your brain."

Zeo blinked, processing his words. "Vectors," he repeated, staring at his own hands.

"They're rooted in your brain." Ronner flinched and gritted his teeth as the doctor cauterized his empty eye socket. "When you try to use them again, focus your energy on your head. Nor your arms, nor your legs. Your head."

Zeo nodded and tried to remember what he felt that night when Remnya was in danger. Pain, despair, and what else?

"Anger," he murmured, glancing at Ronner. "I felt unrestrained anger. Something I had never felt before."

"Then, get angry, kid." Ronner smirked while the female doctor injected a metal syringe into his neck. "Ah, that feels much better."

"I am already furious!" Zeo raised his voice, slamming his fist against the car door. "I want to kill Skado with my own hands!" His eyes reflected a deathly glow.

Ronner turned to him, smiling from ear to ear. "You're bold, no doubt, and too stupid too." He gestured at the male doctor, who reached for his medical bag. "My man here will give you something to help you use that fury efficiently."

Zeo widened his eyes as the man drew a massive syringe with a green liquid. "What's that?"

"We call it LCT, or Liquid Cells of Tritium." Ronner chuckled. "Once injected into your veins, it'll give you a massive boost of energy and power along with immunity to pain."

The doctor sat next to Zeo, swirling the syringe between his fingers. "Mr. Ronner is right, and you better know this is extremely painful too," the doctor warned, scanning his bruised body. "It literally burns through your veins and muscles, and I can't assure you won't have a seizure followed by a heart attack."

Zeo pulled down his shirt, exposing his neck. "Do it. I don't care about the consequences."

"However," Ronner interrupted as the female doctor handed him his new clothes, "the effects might take a few hours to kick in. We should be knocking at their door by then. That idiot thought he could fool me." Ronner guffawed.

"How did you track them so fast?"

"Brisa," Ronner said, a hint of frustration in his voice. "She carries a diminutive device in her pendant. Neither Sagan nor Viper knows about it. We were lucky that Remnya's fire didn't melt it, though. Her fire control is even more impressive than I thought."

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