51: The Hunter And The Haunted

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Zeo saw the blue sky for the first time after weeks of isolation. He waited in the courtyard as ordered by Edo. Mountains loomed over him, building a fortress around The Hunters' territory. Zeo ignored his location, but the falcons gliding above his head and the thin air told him he was from the city. A perfect hideout to carry out the most brutal crimes against defenseless creatures.

A thick collar around his neck prevented him from any attempt to escape. It served not only as a tracker but also released a powerful electric shock through microscopic needles hidden, ready to pierce his neck had he tried anything stupid.

The chilly wind against his skin gave him goosebumps while clouds circled the sun, threatening another gray day.

Edo showed in the distance, striding in his direction. After him, Zeo recognized Alayna.

According to rumors from behind the walls, The Hunters had rescued Alayna and treated her wounds. However, she had been stripped from her warrior title and downgraded to mundane and humiliating tasks, such as cleaning cells or serving food to prisoners.

Without her Hunter uniform and badges, she dressed as an ordinary servant, a plain yet elegant long dress with a dog emblem on her shoulder that let everyone know she was The Hunter's property.

Alayna glanced at Zeo with lifeless eyes and twisted her lips, covered by lipstick someone had forced her to wear.

A shadow of the prideful warrior she had once been.

Ordered by Edo, Zeo followed them into a large hall located in the main building.

Zeo stood behind them and observed an exotic table in the middle of the room decorated with diamonds. The Hunters' emblem shone high on the walls: a wolf-like creature with horns, engulfed by the five elements of Earth, finely crafted in gold and gems.

They waited for the second Lieutenant, the third in command of their army. Zeo knew she had an announcement to make but ignored why he had to be present.

Alayna squirmed next to Edo and crossed her arms behind her back while Edo hissed and tapped his boots against the marble floor.

Half an hour passed until loud steps echoed from the open door.

The second lieutenant sauntered into the hall, holding a notebook and a smile plastered across her face.

Her name was Marakudra, or Mara, as Edo called her, along with a dozen insults. She wore the classic Hunters' black coat and emblem on her shoulder. Her coffee eyes sparkled with joy, so Zeo assumed the worst.

Alayna bowed to her while Edo snarled, pointing at the clock on the wall.

Mara took her time to stroll around the room and sat at the furthermost end of the table. She beamed at them, her perfect teeth and fangs highlighting her mocha skin.

She twirled a curl of her hair and stared at Edo, enjoying his displeasure. Zeo noticed the horns sprouting from her head.

"Eddy! Long time no see!" she said, leaning on the table like an excited child. "Guess what!"

Edo bared his teeth. "I don't fucking know," he spat, gesturing at her to spill the news.

She pouted, but her eyes expressed something else. "Our beloved captain Leuko is dead."

Edo widened his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"It seems like he couldn't find the Nephilim kid and instead found a gruesome death." Mara shrugged and shook her head in disappointment.

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