16: The Calm Before A Storm

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It had been raining all day, but that night, as a dim prelude, the full moon peeked out from behind dark indigo clouds. The wet streets surrounding the mansion gleamed with the blue headlights of Persen's limousine, leaving a trail of red spray behind.

Shiny white boots with gold and diamonds crawled out of the vehicle as Persen stood tall with a smug smirk. He was dressed in a white tuxedo with a red ribbon tie and had a crimson rose on his lapel. His bodyguards accompanied him, wearing their classic black suits.

Ronner waited for him at the porch, wearing his favorite jet blue suit and shoes and faithful to his style, no tie for meaningful meetings.

Persen and Ronner didn't say a word and just exchanged sketchy looks before shaking hands.

They all headed to the dining hall, where Magenta waited with a gloomy look on her face. She still beamed at Persen and invited him to sit. Magenta and Persen sat at both ends of the table, facing each other. Ronner sat in the middle by Magenta's right side, while the bodyguards preferred to stand by the doorway.

"Let's celebrate!" Persen smiled, lifting a cup.

"What are we celebrating?" Ronner asked.

"The beginning of a great alliance . . . No! A great friendship that will transcend time!"

Ronner rolled his eyes as they made a toast with Magenta's most expensive wine.

"But this celebration wouldn't be complete without the star of this night, the one who made it all possible!" Persen's eyes shone. "My beautiful Nephilim!"

Magenta grimaced in a reflex response, but a smile quickly forced its way across her face.

"Don't be so anxious, my friend. You'll have plenty of time with her." Ronner gestured at Maria, who peeked at them from behind the doorway. The maid bobbed her head and left.

Magenta curled her lips and drank her wine in silence. She had her eyes fixed on the table and nodded at Persen's questions without paying much attention.


Remnya was adjusting the white ribbon on her head when Maria came for her. She was in a good mood; dining with Mr. Ronner was a rare opportunity. Remnya was wearing Ronner's present too: a white dress he had bought her on one of their trips to the shopping. It looked perfect on her and matched the white heels with diamonds Magenta had given her.

As they arrived at the dining hall, Remnya's smile fell apart. "Him?" Remnya yelled, pointing at Persen, who had his back turned to her. "What is he doing here?"

"He's our special guest, young lady," Maria replied, glancing at Magenta, who glared at her to hurry. "You need to be polite with him like the lady you are."

"I'm not a lady! And I don't like that old man!" Remnya pushed Maria out of her way. The maid almost fell as Remnya whirled to return to her room.

Magenta gestured at Ronner, who was holding his laughter as he observed Maria's reaction. He said nothing and sprang out of his seat toward Remnya.

"Please, Rem," Ronner said, grabbing Remnya's hand gently, which caused her to stop and look at him. "I know you don't like that old creep. No one does. But we need to endure his presence here tonight. That's how business works."

Remnya curled her lips and squeezed his hand. "He makes me feel uncomfortable, and I don't want to be left alone with him again!"

"You won't, I promise. I'll stay with you all the time." Ron beamed at her.

She tried to hide the smile drawing across her face. "Really?"

He nodded. "And If he makes you feel uncomfortable, I'll kick his ass."

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