35: Snakebite

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Darkness and silence.

Those were Remnya's only friends in her agony. She lay on a gelid metal bed with her limbs restrained by unyielding locks, cutting through her skin like knives. The reek of decay, merged with the scent of damp, filled her nose in what seemed to be the bowels of hell.

At times, Remnya slept and dreamed of childish memories until nightmares woke her up, screaming and crying as she remembered her misery. Her blood was fresh and cold, dripping from her open wounds.

How long had she been lying there?

Her eyes had gone dry from crying. She thought of Brisa and Zeo. How much she wanted to hug them and feel their warmth. Were they even alive? Remnya would've traded her life to make sure they lived. Not even the pain in her body could overshadow the pain in her heart, but she refused to cry another day. It was pointless.

As usual, her feelings were pointless.

Even her fire had abandoned her. Every time Remnya tried to summon it, only sparks spat from her numb fingers. Two devices that felt like tight leather gloves around her hands suppressed her powers.


A door opened, and an intense light burned Remnya's eyes, assuring her she was still alive.

Soft steps drew closer, and a long shadow loomed over her. Remnya's heart raced as she tried to discern the face of what seemed to be her grim reaper.

Has my time come?

"Drink, little girl," a soothing voice whispered, pushing a straw between her dry lips.

No, it's not my time yet.

Remnya sucked through the straw with all her strength, putting out the fire in her throat.

"Easy there," he said, taking the straw away.

"I'm thirsty!" Remnya yelled, cocking her head to reach the water source.

"You need to take it easy, or it'll be bad for you."

Remnya clenched her teeth. "I don't recognize your voice."

"You don't know me, but I know you, young lady."

The man stepped aside, allowing the light to reveal his face. "My name is Danny. I was one of your servants."

Only then, Remnya recognized him. Long blonde hair and a delicate face. She had seen him around Viper a lot before. "Why are you here?" she asked as confusion invaded her mind.

"You need water and food. That's why I am here," Danny replied, smiling as he approached the straw again.

She took a deep sip before he took it away. "Why would they allow you to be here?" Remnya was panting, the pain pulsating against her insides.

Danny let out a deep sigh. "Let's just say, Cassius trusts me."

"Cassius? You mean Viper." Remnya scowled. "So, you're with them." Her thirst was suddenly gone, and anger rose through her chest.

"I can't blame you for hating him, but I do know Cassius is not as bad as you think."

"He's a monster! Just like his brother, and probably, you're the same!" Remnya glared at him and then closed her eyes, jolting against the metal restraining her wrists, drawing more blood.

"I'm sorry," Danny murmured, pressing his hands against her forearms, trying to stop her reckless movements. "I don't expect you to trust me, but please allow me to help you."

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