10: Troubled Soul

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The news had hit Zeo like a truck, shattering everything he believed until that moment. Late at night, the caregivers informed Zeo that the man called Marcus had adopted him. Doubts and questions lingered in his head as he packed his belongings in an old backpack. He squeezed his action figures, books, and clothes and then scanned his room for the fifth time to ensure he didn't forget anything.

That was the last morning he would see those crumbling walls and smell the musty scent of the orphanage. Mixed feelings tangled around him; seeing Remnya again filled his heart with joy, but leaving the little Amy behind stung the depths of his soul. Who would protect her?

Amy deserves a family much more than I do. Perhaps if I tell Marcus about her horns . . . He might . . .

Zeo walked the empty corridors for the last time and arrived at Amy's room. He stared at the door for long seconds. She was mad at him for leaving. The night before, she had punched him and cried, refusing to say goodbye. Zeo swallowed and knocked on the door several times, hoping to hug her little friend one last time.

But she never answered.

Zeo left a package with her name by the door and leaned on the wall to sob in silence.

I'm sorry, Amy. Don't think I've abandoned you. I'll come back for you as soon as I make enough money. I promise you.

The doorknob turned, making Zeo's heart skip a beat. However, his hope was brief. Instead of Amy, Gina peeked at him from behind the door with a sleepy face. Quickly, Zeo turned away to hide his tears.

"Amy is asleep," Gina whispered, closing the door behind her. "Should I wake her?"

"No, it's okay." Zeo sniffled and wiped his eyes before putting his glasses back on. "I don't want to make her cry again."

Gina leaned her hand on his shoulder and stared into his wet eyes. "I'll take care of her for you. I promise."

"Really?" Zeo gaped at her.

She nodded and smiled. "It's the least I can do. I won't let anyone hurt her."

"Thank you . . . " Zeo muttered, holding back the tears blurring his vision.

"You know," she started, leaning closer. "I know I've been a bitch to you all this time, but I'll miss you."

Zeo tightened his lips as his cheeks turned red. "I . . . Uh, " he stammered. "I'm sure we'll meet again soon." He forced a smile.

"Maybe, who knows?" Gina pursed her lips and poked his chest. "But the next time we meet, you'll be a different person."

"Why do you say that?"

"Feminine intuition?" She shrugged and brushed a strand of hair aside. "I just know it'll happen."

Deep in his heart, Zeo knew she was right. "I don't know if I will change, but if I do, I will try to be better."

Gina giggled. "You will, and then, when we meet again . . . " She smirked. "Nevermind."


Without a word, Gina pulled Zeo closer and wrapped her arms around his body tightly. Zeo froze, but his cheeks turned red like blood, feeling the warmth of her body against his and the sweet scent of her melon perfume.

"Goodbye, Zeo." Gina's voice cracked as she released him and turned toward her room, hiding her face. She grabbed the package for Amy from the floor and bolted inside, slamming the door shut.


"Goodbye, Gina . . . " Zeo murmured, confusion invading his mind. He would never understand girls, but knowing that he had made another friend filled his soul with the strength to move forward and face his new life.

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