42: A Blue Demon (Pt. 2)

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A gust of hot wind hit Ronner's face while a tense smirk danced above his bloody lips. Glowing embers floated across the battlefield like fireflies, and old trunks fell apart, crackling as furious flames devoured them.

The moon was gone, and the night sky had fallen still, awaiting the next move that would seal the future of many. Only the stars were witnesses of an unknown destiny.

Ronner's gaze connected with Brisa's golden eyes, which stared back at him, and a profound turmoil invaded his mind. He could betray anyone in the world but her. Yet, despite his doubts, Brisa's expression showed no fear; silently, she yelled at him to finish what he had started.

Clenching his fist, Ronner glanced at Danny, who struggled to breathe on the ground. Unless a doctor arrived in time, he wouldn't make it.

Spitting blood over Alayna's wounded body, Ronner took the first step forward. "What's your big plan, dog?" he shouted at Kira, cracking his knuckle. "If you kill Brisa, I'll tear you and your bitch apart. You know that."

"You're a dead man, you already know that. The question is . . . " Kira stifled a chuckle, his grip tightening around Brisa's neck. "How do you plan to go?"

Ronner glanced at Alayna, who struggled to sit up. Killing her would be easy. However, his priority was Kira. Ronner had defeated him six years ago, but he was a different warrior now, and Brisa's fate was in his hands.

No more mistakes.

Lightning could reach Kira before he could pull the trigger, but the energy released would kill Brisa.

Using Alayna as a hostage was a tempting option, but as Ronner turned to her, a heavy punch landed against his nose.

Ronner flinched, staggering backward, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Alayna clumsily leaping away from him. She stood her ground with her sane arm raised in a fighting stance. Despite her severe wounds, catching her wouldn't be easy. Her pride was still as unbreakable as the last time they met.

What was that oppression on his chest? Regret, perhaps?

No. Ronner refused to believe such a thing. The mighty blue demon never regretted anything.


Never . . .

Not even what he did six years ago to a younger Alayna and her growing army. They weren't his target, yet he couldn't help but have fun with them. Ronner was on his way to eliminate his last target. One of the most powerful men in the country; the ex-Magenta's boss. The same man who had ruined The Lady's life.

Alayna's army had nothing to do with it.

They were innocent.

They were innocent . . .

Those thoughts drilled into Ronner's brain as he witnessed Kira's gun pointed at his face.

A gunshot.

Ronner could barely see the bullet with his blood-stained eye, but he dodged it at the last millisecond.

His reflex action was to try to charge at Kira with lightning growing in his arm, but the man quickly shoved his gun against Brisa's temple.

Ronner halted, and a smirk drew across Kira's face. "I know what you're thinking," his enemy said, "you still believe you can fool me and take advantage of your speed to reach me before I pull the trigger."

Brisa locked her eyes on Ronner and slowly shook her head.

Gritting his teeth, Ronner allowed his energy to vanish from his arm. "Fair enough." He smiled, burying his nails into his hand. "What do you want from me? What's the price for her life?"

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