71: Jeremiad

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Hell consumed everything Remnya had once loved while tears slowly evaporated from her eyes. Her sister's lifeless body and baby had vanished into her flames, becoming a painful memory.

A memory of her failure.

Because of her weakness, an innocent soul would never get to see the light of the world. But neither would Remnya. She looked at the reddened sky and gripped her sister's gold pendant in her trembling fist.

Distorted silhouettes emerged from the flames, with their eyes glowing like torches.

Death had finally come for her.

Remnya staggered toward them as her legs threatened to give up, searching for the demon who had destroyed her dreams. However, his rotten presence was gone. Only mere beasts remained, claiming her life.

Even though her body was at its limit, she had enough hell in her veins to turn them all into ashes. "Come on, you fucking cowards!" Remnya roared throughout the night, blood running down her forehead, mixing with dried tears. "I'll burn you all until my last breath!"

Scornful laughter resounded in the distance, and three shadows charged at her.

Punches and kicks punished her body, bringing Remnya to her knees. Yet her fire attacked them like vicious snakes with open jaws. She no longer cared about defense or whether her whole body was destroyed. Her only mission was to eradicate their existence.

Some shrieked like horrified hyenas as they melted away, a sound she had always hated. But at that moment, their terror eased her vindictive soul. The more disgusting Hunters she took with her, the better.

Remnya lost count of how many burned to death; her mind vanished into a silent pandemonium where all she could see was crimson. The smell of burning flesh became natural, and the horrified screams of dying monsters were soothing.

Her world crumbled into an abyss, descending to the depths of hell. The only home a demon with horns deserved.

Remnya descended into the inferno that was her new reality.

The voices in her head joined the chaos of her mind, and the same events replayed incessantly in her brain; that cursed demon's hand penetrating her sister's abdomen and her warm blood flowing between her fingers.

Endless torture.

The torture she deserved for having failed.

The torture she deserved for having broken her promises.

The torture she deserved for being a Nephilim.

How she wished she could die.

Yet, for some damn reason, her soul refused to leave her damned body.

Let me go . . .

I just want to go!


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