62: Resolution

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The Siege of Lacacia was the name given to the mission carried out by The Hunters, and its main goal was to undermine Debrin Kavram's army by cutting off their supplies and slowly killing their soldiers. The Great Leader of The Hunters, Azmon, knew someone like Debrin would never abandon their people to suffer such a pitiful fate, so he had planned ahead.

Debrin's army had already been reduced to half in the past two nights. The Hunters had the upper hand, and the remaining soldiers had no escape. Time was running out for them, while The Hunters had all the time in the world.

The army led by Marakudra gathered around an ancient sequoia tree. Zeo lifted his gaze at the canopies hiding the sky like an umbrella intertwined with branches and foliage, where thousands of birds announced the advent of a new day. The last morning for many, and Zeo wondered if it was his last one too. However, he had stopped fearing his last day long ago.

Myrian stood behind Zeo, tightening her fists nervously, while the Captain paced around them, shooting piercing glances in search of doubts and fear.

Finally, Marakudra halted before them, took a deep breath, and spoke too calmly. "I've already explained the details of our current mission, and I need you to focus on your own commands and nothing else." She locked her gaze on the recruits, who couldn't stop trembling. "The main goal of group number one is to track and locate any soldier from Karx. However, you must avoid combat unless absolutely necessary. Group number two will take care of the offensive. Proceed the way we've trained before. Lastly, us, group number three," she looked at Zeo, "will remain in the rearguard and cover your asses while we wait for orders from Lord Azmon. Are we clear?"

"YES, CAPTAIN!" the army shouted in unison while Zeo only nodded.

Group one marched forward, leaving a trail of dust and leaves behind them. One minute later, group two did the same.

As most of the group split, the silence of the forest filled the void. Marakudra ordered her soldiers to set up a camp and then sat on a tree stump, crossing her legs as she adjusted her radio and earphones for eventual new orders. Myrian and others built tents inside the gigantic trees while the rest climbed them to set up observation points. Zeo and five more were tasked with patrolling the surroundings for any suspicious activity.

Twenty minutes passed.

Zeo was feeding a deer when he spotted a red flare hissing in the sky; they had found Karx's soldiers.

Immediately, Marakudra eased from her seat and raised her hand, ordering them to remain still and silent. A few seconds went by until the radio beeped in her hand.

"Captain, captain?" someone said on the radio.

"Speak." Marakudra scowled.

"Fourteen individuals, mostly hybrids. I don't detect any large source of energy, though. Level of danger: B."

"Alright. Proceed as planned. Distract them and avoid direct confrontation until group number two begins the attack."

"Roger, captain."

Marakudra lowered the radio from her face and smirked. "Pay attention to the sky. Ambushes are likely," she whispered and pointed in different directions for her army to move. "Zeo." She locked her gaze on him, and Zeo quickly stood before her. "I need you to use your Vectors to detect the presence of enemies. You can do that, can't you?"

Zeo widened his eyes and nodded. "I can't fully control it yet, but I can do it."

"Good. I need you to focus. I want to reduce our casualties as much as possible."

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