55: A Soul And A Warrior

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A blast echoed through the forest.

Several flocks of birds rose to the sky, urgency in their wings as they vanished behind the clouds. The forest fell still, and silence filled the atmosphere like a dense mist, accompanied by the reek of blood and burnt flesh.

The glowing projectiles of a shotgun cut the air, searching for Remnya's head.

Time slowed as the faces of Zeo and Brisa flashed in her mind; if she died, all those dreams would come to an end. She had made it so far, and the weight of her promises rested on her sore shoulders.

No matter what, she couldn't give it up yet. Even if it meant going against her convictions, she had to survive.

Remnya gritted her teeth, hating herself for what she was forced to do. Crimson engulfed her hands and quickly spread through her body.

On the verge of tears, she waited for the right moment to retaliate.

. . .

Yet, the impact of that gun never arrived.

. . .

A shriek of pain blared in her ears, followed by a violent gush of wind that brushed her burning hair against her face, sparks floating before her eyes.


When time resumed its natural flow, a trembling Remnya turned to witness the events unfolding behind her back. Three men lay still on the ground, their guns buried in the grass. Next to them, the massive figure of Merle loomed over their lifeless bodies.

Placing her hands on the burnt soil, Remnya pushed herself to her feet. Her heart raced in her chest as her dilated pupils searched for answers.

"That was close," Merle said, cracking his knuckles.

"What happened?" Remnya mumbled, locking her eyes on the corpses.

"Isn't it obvious?" He raised an eyebrow, giving her the look of a disappointed father. "Only that kid is left." Merle took one step toward the unconscious boy and raised his right fist.

"NO!" Remnya shouted, standing with open arms between him and the boy.

"That kid saw what you did. If we allow him to live, he'll spread the word, and then what do you think will happen?"

"Still!" Remnya panted heavily, trying to calm her heart. "Why did you have to kill them?"

"We can not afford to let fanatics like these live. Especially, not today."


"These deviants belong to a cult called The Last Order. They believe Nephilims are the spawns of Lucifer on Earth." He laughed mockingly and shook his head. "These assholes attack savagely whoever has horns."

"Can you blame them?" Remnya clenched her fists and stared at the unconscious boy. "Our kind has caused so much pain."

"Innocent or guilty, they'll attack any Nephilim or Hybrid who dare cross their path. Plus, allowing them to live means the word about us spreading to nearby villages like wildfire. It'd be just a matter of time for The Hunters to find us." He folded his arms and looked down his nose at her. "Are you willing to take that risk, little Remnya?"

"Even if that's true, killing them is wrong!" she yelled, her eyes glowing with anger and frustration. "How are we different from them if we just kill anyone who we deem as too dangerous to live?"

"Would you risk Brisa's life because of your beliefs?"

"I. . ." Remnya swallowed and lowered her head, out of words. Even though her heart knew what she wanted, reality had never given her a chance to decide. Remnya was tired of seeing blood spilled wherever she went. That wasn't the path she wanted to follow; that wasn't the world her parents would've wished for her. She had to be better. . . for them.

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