20: Ashes In Your Mouth

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Ronner observed the disaster with fascination. Crimson tongues of fire devoured the weakened structure of the room, which crumbled into a mist of glowing embers. Remnya still lay on the ashes of her bed, unconscious. Her body had reached over one thousand degrees Celcius, forcing Ronner to wait hours before carrying her to the mansion's mini-hospital.

The young Nephilim slept while the doctors checked up on her health in search of abnormalities, but her body was intact. The fire had caused no harm. On the contrary, it had healed her wounds.

While Ronner took care of Remnya, Skado removed his father's corpse from the room, and along with his older brother, destroyed it, shoved it in sealed bags, and disposed of it as trash.

When the mansion went to sleep, Ronner met the hybrid brothers in the courtyard. He carried several bottles of Redfire to celebrate, and two maids followed him. He pushed the girls toward the brothers and winked at them, proud of his present.

Viper ignored the scared girls, his vacant stare lost in the distance. Skado wrapped a bony arm around the shorter one and bobbed his head, where he still wore bandages, courtesy of lady Magenta.

"This is the beginning of our rule!" Ronner shouted, lifting his cup.

Viper glanced at him and said nothing while his younger brother nodded in silence.

"With Persen's empire in our hands, we're one step closer to our goal." He drank his red beverage. "The Kavalar coalition of Karx will be the most powerful army in the world."

"Ramos's allies still think you betrayed Karx," Viper said with his eyes fixed on his cup.

"They can come for me whenever they please." Ronner shrugged. "I'm the only one who sees the bigger picture here. Karx doesn't need wimps like Ramos and the like. They thought peace was an option and tried to find a pacifist way out of the war." Ronner spat on the ground. "Not only Karx, but The Hunters will grow to respect and fear my name."

"What about the Nephilim?" Skado asked, sniffing the maid who poured his drink with trembling hands.

"Remnya is the key to our success. The blood we need to achieve our goals."

"The Crimson Project?" Viper inquired.

Ronner nodded with a smirk. "Your pathetic father believed I'd just allow him to have my Nephilim and taint her body with his inferior genes." He guffawed. "How stupid."

"We can create the most powerful warriors on Earth." Skado cracked a smile.

"We might," Ronner said, scanning Skado's face, surprised by his unusual reaction. "She's not only a pure Nephilim, but she also has the crimson fire, the fire that will burn the whole world."

Skado stifled a chuckle and paced around the garden under the attentive look of Ronner, who couldn't believe that such a monster had emotions.

"He seems more excited than usual," Ronner told Viper.

"Yeah . . ." Viper glanced at his bother and then back at Ronner. "I'll keep an eye on him."

Ronner sipped his drink. "When Persen created you both," he started. "Did he use Netomic Cells?"

"Yes." Viper gritted his teeth as his voice filled with contempt and disgust. "He couldn't impregnate our mother otherwise."

"Right . . . Human males have less than 5% of mating success with a hybrid female, even lower if the female is a pure Nephilim. That's like 0,01%."

"How ironic. Nephilim males have 100% of having offspring with a human female," Skado added, wrapping his claws around the other girl, who trembled and begged him not to hurt her.

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