12: Revelations

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The gelid morning air dissipated as the first sunbeams sneaked through rows of red pines, caressing Zeo's astonished face. Over towering walls, a silver plate engraved with gold letters read 'Lovecraft Mansion.' They circled that fortress and stopped in front of two massive metal gates, which opened to allow the car inside.

Zeo admired the place from the window, his mouth wide open. A majestic sight he had only seen in his dreams. It was like a castle set amid an oasis. His mind trailed off for a moment, but quickly, he snapped back to reality, remembering his mission.

The car stopped under a cherry blossom tree, and Gorth unlocked the doors. Zeo adjusted his backpack, clenched his fists, and hopped out of the vehicle. The moisture in the air sunk into his skin, freezing his cheeks and ears. But as he followed the big man through a cobblestone walkway, the morning sun warmed his body and soul.

The long path led them to the Servants' House, on the opposite side of the mansion. A rustic three-story house where the boss placed her disposable staff. Despite its ancient structure, it displayed elegance with its Victorian style and burgundy walls.

Gorth stood in front of the servants' house and turned to Zeo, scowling. "Do you remember the rules, boy?" he asked.

"Yes, sir." Zeo said, holding his arms behind his back. "Only twenty minutes, and I'm not allowed to step in the mansion."

Gorth bobbed his head and took Zeo's backpack. "Go straight this way." He pointed at the tiled walkway crossing a large garden.

Zeo bowed and thanked him before taking the first step toward his destination. His heart hastened at the thought of Remnya waiting for him on the other side. It had been two months, and a knot formed in his stomach mixed with the tingling feeling of moths.

I wonder how much she has changed.

The rising sun warmed up the large garden, bathing the blooms of White Fangs growing on each side of the walkway. A perfumed breeze brushed his bangs, the sweet scent of those snow-like petals.

Zeo almost swallowed his tongue when he glimpsed a familiar figure standing by a tree. His jaw dropped in disbelief. No way that's Rem! His heart kicked wildly in his chest, and the tingling moths of his stomach turned into a snake slithering through his throat. Zeo slowed his pace to observe her for a bit longer.

She looks beautiful.

Two violet hummingbirds flapped their wings around Remnya as she frowned under a Liquid Amber tree. She was wearing a fluffy red jacket and a black ruffle skirt, matched by black tights and shoes. Her shiny hair swung above her tail as she squirmed and blew warm air between her hands. Zeo remembered how much she hated winter.

"Hi Rem," Zeo mumbled, standing a few meters away from her.

Her crimson eyes shone as she darted toward him with a wide smile. Without warning, she bumped into him and wrapped her arms around his body, picking him up. Zeo hugged her back, blushing and struggling to breathe. Her strength was unchanged.

She kept Zeo hanging in the air until a crack on his back forced her to put him down.

"Zeo! I can't believe it's you!" Remnya shouted, tugging his ears and cheeks.

He giggled, ignoring the pain in his back. "Rem, you look great."

"Thank you!" Remnya chuckled. "So, is it true? Are you gonna be working here now?"

Zeo nodded. "Mr. Gorth was showing me the place. Starting tomorrow, I'll be helping in the kitchen."

"Will you be a chef now?"

The Girl With The Crimson EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang