60: Fateweaver (New Chapter!)

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Ozura remained silent for what seemed hours, her eyes staring blankly at the wall and her fingers twitching around her tea cup. Remnya sat still, fearing her next words and wondering why Merle hadn't saved Vladimore's army as promised.

Cold as ice, Ozura let out a short sigh and nodded. "Thanks for telling me. Now you can leave," she said, closing her eyes.

Joan bobbed his head and rushed to leave the room while Remnya looked at the lady in confusion. She had expected any reaction but that one.

"What will happen now?" Remnya asked, clawing the tablecloth.

"Everything will go as planned, child," she murmured and sipped her tea. "I promised Vlad I would stay and protect this place, and that's what I'll do."

"I don't understand... Mr. Merle headed there. Why didn't he arrive in time?"

"Too many unforeseen events might occur on the battlefield, Remnya." She gazed into her pupils. "I don't know if Vlad will ever return, but I do know Debrin won't abandon them." She rested her eyes and made a long pause before whispering her resolution, "I'm in peace knowing that."

Remnya tightened her lips and nodded vacantly, feeling the weight of duty crushing her shoulders.

There was a short silence, and then Remnya stood up. "Thanks for the meal, miss Ozura," she murmured, grabbing her empty tea cup. "Please, excuse me now. There's something I need to do." She bowed to Ozura and smiled at Brisa before heading outside.

Ozura nodded while Brisa stared at her perplexed.

Remnya crossed the front yard and took her Karx's uniform that hung from the branch of a lemon tree. She adjusted her boots and strode toward the forest, ignoring the discomfort of her heavy clothes.

There was no time to rest. War waited for no one.

Near the creek, where Debrin used to sit to wash vegetables, Remnya found a good space for her venture. Crimson flames engulfed her arms, and her eyes focused on the horizon, where clouds began to descend over the emerald relief of mountains. Remnya took a deep breath and lowered her gaze toward several mossy rocks sprouting from the water.

She focused on her targets and began practicing her aim by trying to destroy each one of them.

Imagining each rock looked like Persen's head helped, and before midday, Remnya had already obliterated all her targets. Her fire control had drastically improved over the past months.

The next stage was working on her body, so she ran several laps around the house until her legs gave up. Surprisingly, her body had adapted to the heavy uniform, and despite running for two hours, she still had plenty of energy. However, the summer sun and her clothes seemed to cook her skin.

Remnya continued with push-ups, planks, crunches, and every exercise she could think of until her muscles trembled with exhaustion.

After five hours of non-stop training, she dropped to rest on the grass. Her whole body burned and sweat prickled her skin. Her heart kicked wildly in her chest, but Remnya knew she could endure much more. This is nothing compared to what Zeo must be going through, she thought and got up after a five minutes break to continue.

"You should eat something," a voice said from behind the bushes.

Remnya turned and saw Ozura standing by a tree with her arms folded.

"I'm good," Remnya said as she hung from a tree branch and lifted her body.

"Eating properly is key to become stronger."

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