31: Overture

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Skado's search party arrived at the forest of Lacacia, marking the border between Crysalton and the Kingdom of Nebran. Their jet plane had taken less than two hours to cover a distance of three thousand kilometers; there was no way the maid could outrun them.

The night was crisp and clear, with the gleam of a golden half-moon. Skado inhaled the faint scent of moist soil lingering in the air and frowned as the rest of his party gathered nearby. They rushed to set up a camp and unload their search devices. A pack of black wolves accompanied them, specially trained to find any trace of human life. Skado grabbed his thermal goggles to see in the dark and a shotgun and waited for his party leader to give the order to move.

"Alright, boys!" the leader-a giant-looking man-roared. "Let's do this! Whoever finds her first will fuck her first!"

Everyone chanted a stupid war cry and split into smaller groups to spread out into the forest. Everyone but Skado, who alone strayed away from his party, losing himself in the vegetation.

The howling of wolves and men's shouting faded, leaving behind a silent gap quickly filled by the song of crickets. Dried leaves crunched under Skado's boots as he strolled down a rocky path. He lit a cigar between his lips and leaned on a tree. Staring up at the sky, Skado swore to the moon; he would end Ronner's life with his own hands.

A gust of wind made the forest screech.

Uneven yellow eyes glowed in the darkness, landing on Skado with an intent gaze. Skado stared back at them, unimpressed, and beckoned at the creature to come closer.

A short man stepped into the moonlight. He had the face of a kid and the body of a man. His left eye squinted, and his tongue stuck out from the side of his mouth. He smiled with a stupid face.

"Balrok," Skado said, blowing smoke from his nostrils, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"You got my interest, Doman," the man admitted in a thick accent. "I didn't believe it when my soldiers told me, but it seems like it's true. You want to betray the blue man."

"As do you." Skado smirked.

Balrok's lips twitched. "What are the odds? What makes you think we stand a chance now?"

"If you're having second thoughts, you may also walk away and become Ronner's bitch," Skado spat, contempt flickering in his eyes.

Balrok giggled and took one step forward. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't think this was a great opportunity."

Skado scowled and put out his cigar against his cheek. "He's got a pure Nephilim and a full batch of Netomics ready to use. Once he goes down, that'll be ours."

Balrok's good eye grew wider. "How do we know that's true?"

"See it yourself." Skado tossed a leather pouch at Balrok, who snatched it in the air. He untangled the cord that held it together and drew a blood-filled flask from it. Balrok scanned the thick liquid for a moment. Carefully, he opened it and tilted the flask against his mouth until a red drop landed on his tongue.

He tasted it, chewing the flavor for long seconds. A sick smile spread across his face as he swallowed it. "Nephilim blood, no doubt," Balrok said, closing the flask before sliding it into his pocket. "Ok, you speak the truth. What's your plan?"

"You join us with your army to face Ronner. In exchange, we'll share the Nephilim with you, not only that, but we also have a hybrid Anglish ready to use."

Balrok caressed his chin, and his bad eye twisted from side to side. "You claim you got a full batch of Netomics."

"What about that?"

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