26: Soul On Fire

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Ronner sauntered through the hospital's hallways, carrying a crimson bouquet. Fearful eyes followed his steps, feeding his growing ego. He winked at the nurses, making them shiver with his mere presence.

He halted in front of Magenta's room, combed his hair, and pushed the door.

A smirk spread across his face as he witnessed Magenta's malnourished figure. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, painting her nails black. She ignored his presence, her expression unreadable. If there was one person who didn't tremble before Ronner, that was The Lady.

"I bought you these," he said, offering the bouquet to Magenta.

"Why don't you shove that up your ass?" Magenta replied in a casual tone as she stretched her fingers to check her finished work.

Ronner chuckled and left the bouquet on a desk. He eased himself next to her, a smile dancing from ear to ear.

"Did you come here to enjoy the sight?" she asked, glancing at him.

"I already enjoyed the sight too many times, but I admit I never thought you could look so sexy covered in blood."

"Yeah, that's the only way you can get an erection."

"Ouch!" Ronner observed the gifts Maria had left for Magenta on a nightstand next to her bed. "Did you know your maid tried to escape?"

"Can you blame her?"

"What if I told you we have her? Skado is eager to test that brand new body of hers."

"I'd tell you are a fucking idiot for thinking I'd believe that. If you have her, bring her to me."

Ronner giggled. "It's just a matter of time. She won't make it far, and then you will regret not cooperating with us."

"I already regret too many things, but not pleasing you is not one of them." Magenta looked out her window into the morning sky.

"Yeah, you've always been really bad at pleasing me. That's why I needed fresher meat, instead of a used one." He ran his fingers along her neck.

"You clearly needed it." Magenta smirked, slapping his hand away. "Unfortunately, the one you wanted never wanted you."

"Big talk for someone whose boyfriend dumped her like a trash bag."

Magenta's eyes gleamed with a spark of hatred. "Do you actually believe that bullshit?"

"C'mon, Magenta. You've always been Marcus' bitch. You should be glad I freed you from such a burden." His lips twisted into a sneer.

"You'll always be half the man Marcus ever was." Magenta turned to him and scanned his body with contempt. "Even in death, he's still much more than you."

"You think so? Even after he abandoned you? Twice?" Ronner sniggered. "Let me remind you he dumped you after you lost his baby, am I right?"

Magenta glared at him.

"He went for a healthier, better woman who could give him children." Ronner shot her a disdainful look as a smirk deformed his face. "Instead of a failed shell like you, who couldn't even breed properly."

Magenta's upper lip twitched, her black nails digging into the sheets. "Ah, Ron . . . Your diminutive brain would never allow you to understand our story. As I said, you can only dream of being half the man he was. He earned everything he had, unlike you."

"Yes, he earned a pathetic death, like the dog he was."

"He earned the love of many, while you, lesser man, have lived a life of rejection. First, Karx expelling you from their army because you were a failure as a warrior. That's why you sought refuge under my wing, like a scared puppy."

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