58: Nothing Else Matters

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I do not believe in dreams. . .

But I believe in fate.

Remnya still remembered those words, words spoken the night she thought would be her last.

However, life had given her a second chance.

I won't let it go.

Never again.

The soothing heartbeats resonating in Remnya's ears seemed to heal the wounds her journey had left on her body and mind. A warm bosom where she could rest her head and allow her dreams to flourish once again, at least for an ephemeral moment.


My family.

I must protect it.

Tears ceased, and silence embraced the room with motherly arms. The dream was over, but perhaps, reality had decided to spare her the pain that night.

Remnya raised her eyes to observe her beloved sister. Her beauty hadn't changed, and neither did the golden warmth of her eyes. She wore a plain pink shirt and jeans, and her hair was shorter than she remembered. Lowering her gaze, Remnya noticed the size of her abdomen.

A rush of joy filled her heart.

"You're fat," Remnya said, poking her stomach with a big smile plastered across her face.

"Oh, shut up, brat!" Brisa replied, smirking, and then pinched her cheeks. "You've gotten taller."

"Did I?" She giggled and held her hands tightly in hers. "How long until he or she is born?"

"Two or three months, probably?" Brisa glanced at Danny, who stood by the stairs, grinning. "He says it'll be a boy."

Remnya pouted. "I wanted a girl, but whatever."

"I don't want another annoying brat like you." Brisa faked an angry expression. "So, boy it is."

Remnya stuck her tongue out at her and giggled. "What will his name be?"

Brisa remained pensive for a moment. "I've not decided it yet."

"As I thought! But don't worry, I got your back. I thought of a lot of cool names!"

"Oh? Mind telling me some of your great names?"

"Well. . ." Remnya tried to remember, but suddenly, the gloomy face of Merle popped up in her head, reminding her of their primary mission there. Her smile faded, and she furrowed her eyebrows. "I'll tell you later. . . Right now, we need to get outta here."

Brisa widened her eyes. "Where are we going? I imagine you didn't make it here alone, did you?"

"That's right." She nodded. "It's a long story, but let's just say the people from Karx helped me, and now we're going back with them."


"I'll explain everything to you on our way home, but first, we need to leave this place." Remnya gestured at Danny to get closer. "You're coming with us too."

"Me?" Danny put his hands in front of himself and shook his head. "I can't leave this place yet. I need to wait for Cassius."

"Cassius?" Remnya raised one eyebrow, trying to recall that name until the memories of her past returned like an avalanche. Cassius Doman, also known as Viper. Skado's brother and Persen's son. A cold shiver ran down her back. "That guy?"

"Believe it or not, he's the reason we're still alive," Brisa added, leaning her hand on Remnya's shoulder. "He risked his life to protect us, and he's the main reason Zeo and you could escape that night. He chose to fight instead of turning you in to The Hunters."

The Girl With The Crimson EyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon