69: A Prideful Stride

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The Azul Factory had once been a prosperous producer of rocket fuel, but due to the costs of the war, the production had halted indefinitely. In a few years, it had become a giant tomb of deadly chemicals stored under tons of steel.

A faint smell of dust and oil lingered as Zeo walked the factory hallways, carrying Stella in his arms. She was unconscious, with cuts on her arms and a contusion on her head, but Ozura assured him she hadn't used lethal force.

Rusted hinges squeaked as Zeo pushed a door with his foot, revealing a cramped storeroom full of broken equipment. He eased Stella onto a pile of crushed boxes, ensuring it was soft enough, and after scanning the room for hidden threats, he dropped to the floor. His body felt light and sore, and the consequences of his confrontation showed on his swollen face.

Neither Ozura nor Karx was trustworthy, but Zeo could trust Remnya and her friendship with that grim lady. She had promised to help him as long as he provided her with information about The Hunters. Such actions could cause conflict with Marakudra's plans, but the only thing that mattered was to protect Amy.

Sacrifices were necessary.

Under a stained fluorescent light, Zeo closed his eyes and rested for five minutes until footsteps from the hallway awakened his vectors. He gripped his gun and slid his vectors between the door and the exterior, analyzing the changes in the air until they recognized Ozura's presence.

"No need for that," the lady said as she opened the door. "We're on the same side now."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Zeo stood up and put his hand on Stella's arm.

She stepped closer with her pupils locked on him. "Even if Remnya says you're a good person, I have no reason to believe her."

"Then, why haven't you killed me yet?" His vectors slithered near her feet.

"Remnya, for one." She crossed her arms. "And because I believe that with your help, our chances of winning this war will increase."

"I don't care about this war. All I want is for my friends to be free from these monsters."

"And that's why this is your war too." Ozura made a pause to look at Stella and then continued. "Hundreds of children will be kidnapped and forced to join The Hunters as canon fodder or breeding material. Even your friend, Amy. What do you think will happen if we allow that?"

Zeo processed her words in silence.

"If we don't stop Azmon soon, the entire world will fall under his rule. He'll raise armies in every country. Every child with Nephilim and Anglish blood will be his." She leaned closer, her gaze heavy like tungsten. "Most civilians see Nephilims and the like as monsters. That's part of Azmon's plan too. Alienate those children from society, making them hate humanity and slowly brainwashing them to be part of a so-called superior army. An army that hates crossbreeds and humans alike.

"Tell me something, young man. Weren't you and Remnya constantly seen as outcasts? Weren't you rejected for being different? Wasn't she called a horned witch? She told me about it."

Zeo gritted his teeth and averted his gaze while her words slowly penetrated his iron shell. "Kids are assholes. You don't need to be a Nephilim to be treated like trash."

"True." Ozura brushed a strand of hair from her face. "But did you know about the Nephilim hunts occurring across the country? Where babies with horns are burned alive and their horns used as relics?" She leaned against the wall and folded her arms. "You and Remnya were the lucky ones. You were allowed to live by the humans who found you. Or perhaps, you two were found by someone else."

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