79: Fire Crystals

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At Amy's insistency, Remnya spent the night within the camp, departing before sunrise while the stars kept vigil. Clad in Karx uniform, she shouldered a borrowed backpack with a change of clothes, food, water, and her friend's favorite toy—a worn-out doll with one eye and no hair.

The cold wind lashed against Remnya's face, freezing her ears as the mysterious terrain unfolded in darkness. She refused to use her fire to illuminate the path and relied on her other senses.

Amid the alpenglow, rocky silhouettes emerged, bathed in an orange aura, revealing an imposing volcano on the horizon. Dark clouds veiled the snowy peak, intertwining with the toxic gases emanating from the Earth's core. An inert volcanic crust extended for kilometers with vents exhaling hot vapors.

Fourteen kilometers of arduous ascent and subzero temperatures awaited, yet her only concern was whether or not Zeo could survive long enough. She trusted her friend's strength and ignored the intrusive thoughts threatening with a tragic outcome.

As a panoramic view of Rexton's valleys grew behind her, the path became steeper, and clouds covered the sky. The surface beneath her boots took on a stickier texture while sporadic gusts of wind played a game of ice and fire, alternating temperatures with each breath.

The height increased, the sky darkened, and an intense reek of sulfur filled her nose. A few raindrops landed on her skin, acid rain. They were heavy and warm but unable to harm her.

Remnya widened her eyes when something glowed in the distance. Dense rivers of magma flowed between the rocks like blood. She rushed forward, eager to see such a fascinating liquid for the first time. She dug her hand into it and grabbed a chunk, squeezing it between her fingers. It looked like liquid candy mixed with sand but felt dense and heavy as a rock.

A smile escaped her lips. Her fire body was a privilege for an ephemeral moment. Not many could ever experience that connection with nature.

Her journey continued through several magma rivers and chimneys of hot vapors. The air was thinner, and her body felt heavier with each step.

After one hour, Remnya crossed what Debrin called the Sunset Zone, and the first traces of death emerged along the path. Two human skulls lay half-buried in molten rocks surrounded by volcanic flies. The insects were half the size of her fingers and fed on rotten flesh.

Remnya witnessed more skulls and bones, but the further she advanced, the older and drier they were. Debrin had warned her of the "Necrotix" that inhabited the Sunset Zone. She had no idea what that meant but was eager to find out.

The first sight of said creatures happened when she stood on the edge of a cliff to marvel at the view of Rexton's valleys. A strange humanoid creature wandered around a volcanic pit at the bottom of the cliff.

Fascinated, Remnya slid downhill along the slope and landed on a rock. She walked toward it, making enough noise for the Necrotix to notice her.

The creature turned in her direction. It was tall and bony with long arms and short legs. Its face reminded her of a corpse, with two worm-filled holes for eyes and rotten flesh falling apart to reveal a massive skull. Its teeth were large like a horse's and lacked ears, so Remnya assumed it detected through smell.

Suddenly, it charged at her like an enraged animal. She took a fighting stance and focused on its movements.

The beast was quick and swatted its arms violently at her. Remnya evaded the attacks, causing its hands to hit the ground with enough force to shatter the obsidian in half. It let out a shrilling shriek of anger and agony and attacked again, but she was faster and sent it flying against a rock with a sidekick to the head.

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