78: Eclipse

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Zeo awoke in a room surrounded by steel walls and red neon lights that burned his vision. It was cold with the scent of dust and rust, embracing him into a new calvary. Memories of Ozura's final moments echoed in his mind, accompanied by the lingering metallic taste, a stark reminder of his defeat. His left arm remained numb, and his vectors lay dormant, but the rest of his body had recovered.

A plate of food lay on the floor, inviting him to satiate his hunger. Zeo took it between his hands and observed a scant portion of orange puree and a boiled egg. He ate without a second thought and then sat still, feeling the pressure of silence.

Time crawled by until the cage door opened, emitting an electric buzz reverberating with loud clangs. A rush of cold wind swept in, and a familiar figure walked forward, his boots heavy, resonating in his ears.

"You?" Zeo murmured, seeing his old enemy before him: Edo. The man wore a blue and white uniform, a typical attire for a private soldier, unworthy of a pure Nephilim warrior.

"Why did you return?" Edo asked, frustration reflecting in his eyes.

"I had a mission here." Zeo shrugged. "Besides, living like a fugitive doesn't appeal to me."

"You're stupid." He shook his head with disdain. "Marakudra gave you a chance, and you threw it away."

"Did I?" He narrowed his eyes. "I saved my friend. That's all that matters."

"Yeah, and it turns out that orphan you helped escape is way more valuable than everyone thought."

"What do you mean?" Zeo feigned ignorance.

Edo hissed. "When they sent you on that mission, they didn't know who that child truly was, but recent DNA tests have confirmed their suspicions."

"DNA tests?"

"They keep blood samples of every potential recruit, and she is no exception." Edo took a deep breath and folded his arms. "That child is the daughter of our commander and executioner, Virgil Alzer."

Zeo's eye widened, recognizing the name but never having seen the face of that monster. "That piece of shit is her father?" He spoke with disgust.

"Listen, fool." Edo squatted before him, his gaze penetrating his soul. "You were lucky Marakudra saved your pitiful self, but things have changed. You're no longer useful to them. You are but a mere slave now, worthless." He tightened his lips. "Take it from me. If you appreciate your life, start cooperating with them."


"What happened to Marakudra?" Zeo shifted the focus, diverting from his harsh reality.

"She'll suffer the same fate as you." He spat on the floor. "Can't say I'm not enjoying the thought."

"And what about you?"

Edo chuckled, a bitter edge to his tone. "Can't you see me? I lost my rank. Our whole damn army got demoted. We, the top dogs, are now assigned to humiliating roles. The rest? Reduced to slaves, or worse. All thanks to Marakudra's idiotic decisions. She doomed us all!" He punched the wall, crushing the metal as an echo filled the room. "From the beginning, I knew this would happen. She's always been an incompetent bitch."

Zeo processed his words, jaw clenching. "Where is she now?"

"In another cell, getting what she deserves, so is her pet, Pyon."

"You're not locked in a cage, though. And they're suffering. You should be happy."

"Her suffering is irrelevant to me." Edo stood up, stretching his neck from side to side. "After all, every one of us will pay for her mistakes sooner or later."

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