72: Bitter Honey

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An explosion in the distance shook the ground, and chunks of rock hit Zeo as he advanced through a cold tunnel sunken in absolute darkness. His vectors guided his way and protected Stella, who remained unconscious in his arms, ignorant of the fragility of her life.

After kilometers of restless running, Zeo finally reached the end of the route. Catching his breath, he groped an object obstructing his pass and remembered Ozura's words about a heavy iron door covering the exit. He eased Stella onto the ground, which felt soft with grass and mud, and leaned against the metal structure.

Aided by his vectors, Zeo pushed the door with all his strength, huffing and puffing until a fresh breeze blew through a small opening. The aroma of wildflowers reached his nose, imbued with a sense of freedom. He focused all his energy on the last effort and gave a violent thrust that made the door screech loudly.

A mountain of dirt and rust fell on Zeo, who squinted his eyes and stuck his head out of the hole. Stars flashed above him, revealing an open field with dry vegetation and leafless trees. The town lights glowed on the horizon while gunshots echoed in the distance.

Zeo returned for Stella and took her behind a pile of rocks and rotten trunks near the tunnel's exit. Sitting on the ground, he recovered energy and analyzed his next move. As long as Ozura resisted, The Hunters would be distracted, so he had to move fast. However, a vehicle was necessary.

He scanned his surroundings and spotted the main road on the other side of the field. It was a short sprint for him alone, so the idea of leaving Stella behind invaded his head. Yet, he had vowed to save her along with Kristina, who was still in Ozura's hideout. They don't deserve to die like this, he thought and picked up Stella.

Zeo crossed the arid land, jumping over rocks and thorny bushes while his heart kicked in his chest. When he reached the road, two headlights approaching them in the distance gave him an idea. He held Stella with his vectors and raised his arms, waving at the upcoming vehicle.

A red car stopped on the roadside, and an overweight man walked out. He adjusted his glasses and widened his eyes. "Are you okay? What happened? Is she alive?" he asked, looking at Stella with concern.

"She's still alive," Zeo answered. "But I need to get to the hospital as soon as possible."

"Let's go then!" He rushed to open the backdoor.

"Thanks." Zeo walked forward and took a deep breath, relieved he wouldn't have to coerce an innocent civilian. He placed Stella in the backseat, closed the door, and sat beside the driver.

"What happened?" the man asked, doing a U-turn to return to the town.

"We were hit by a car." Zeo glanced left and right, searching for threats and possible ambushes from the shadows. "They drove away and left us here."

"How terrible! Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine."

The man kept talking, but Zeo didn't care about his words. He had to think fast to succeed and wondered if Ozura would decide to blow up the whole place. Such a large amount of fuel would kill anyone within a one-kilometer radius; even a Nephilim would struggle to survive unless they were fire-resistant like Remnya.

"Old man," Zeo said, gripping the door handle. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from here, District number 76. You know it?"

"I do. I just hope we're not delaying you."

"Oh, don't worry." He chuckled. "I was heading to my farm, but that can wait. This is more important."

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