33: And Then There Was Silence

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A loud thud resounded throughout the thick walls of the underground bunker. Brisa was lying on a bed with her eyes wide open, wondering what was happening on the surface. Belo had told her to stay in that room for her own safety.

Another dry blow echoed in her ears. This time, her bed shook nervously. Brisa sat up, taking deep breaths to calm down, and rushed to fit her shoes. An intense pain drilled through her head, but at least her nausea had stopped. She feared the Doman brothers had intercepted Ronner at the mansion. Or worse yet, he could be dead.

For the first time in her life, was she worried about him?

It didn't matter. Brisa sprang out of bed and headed to the door to lean her ear against the cold iron.

Only silence came from the other side.

Brisa knew she had to call Belo to unlock that door, so she grabbed her phone and dialed his number several times.


The ground shook violently under her feet, and then a massive shockwave hit her like a truck, sending her against the floor. All the lights flickered, and dust crumbled from the roof like a gray mist over her head.

And then screams, painful screams.

Loud blows rumbled throughout the corridors, mingling with indistinct shouts and cries. Among the chaos, Brisa overheard rushed footsteps drawing closer.

The door burst open with a sharp clank, and Belo stormed into her room, his face devoid of color. He locked the door behind him and rushed to Brisa's side.

"My lady, are you okay?" he asked, concern flashing in his eyes as he scanned her body for injuries.

"I'm okay, don't worry," she replied, grabbing his arm to lift herself from the ground. "What's going on outside?"

"It's Skado," Belo admitted, tightening his lips as sweat spread across his forehead. Those words sent shivers down Brisa's spine. "He's killing our people. Right now, only our last guards are holding him back, buying time for us to escape."

Brisa's heart jumped to her throat; she could barely breathe. "This can't be," she mumbled, staggering toward her bed, aided by Belo. "Ronner . . . Where is he? Why didn't he stop Skado?"

"I don't know." Belo shook his head, lowering his gaze. "It seems like Skado is the only one here. I dare to say his brother is fighting Ronner while Skado attacks the mansion. We need to take you and the Nephilim girl out of here."

"Remnya," Brisa murmured as a rush of adrenaline filled her body. "Yes! We need to go for her!"

"I got ahead of ourselves, my lady. Remnya is already waiting for us outside," Belo assured, gripping his shotgun.

"Really?" Brisa widened her eyes as slight relief eased her heart.

Belo nodded and unlocked the door. "Let's go, my lady, or else the sacrifice of those brave men will be in vain." His voice cracked with pain. Brisa clenched her fists and nodded.

They bolted out of the room and sprinted through a long corridor. Brisa ran as fast as her legs allowed it, but spasms twisted her stomach, forcing her to slow down.

"This way!" Belo hopped into one of the three elevators that led back to the mansion.

Brisa halted to glance behind her and then at Belo. "Why are we going back there? Where's Remnya?"

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