49: Journey Of Fire

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The soothing song of crickets faded in the distance, and moonlight seeped into Remnya's room through a small window, drawing exotic shadows over the blanket covering her body. She lay still in the darkness, assimilating her surroundings, her eyes sweeping the unknown, wondering where Ellyn and that man had gone.

Aided by the tenuous glow of the moon, Remnya discerned the shapes of her bed, a different one from the hospital, cozier and softer. But when had she left the hospital? Her last memory was the face of Debrin Kavram, his penetrating eyes digging into her soul.

The rest was a cloudy void.

Under the covers, she felt warm and comfortable, but crazy ideas raced in her head, trying to connect the dots of her past and figure out where fate had taken her. As Remnya squirmed and stretched her arms and legs, she realized her broken bones had healed.

A wisp of peace eased the anxiety oppressing her chest.

He hadn't hurt her.

The silhouettes of trees danced outside, shaken violently by the wind that whistled through the cracks of her window.

However, when the night fell still, she overheard quiet snores coming from a corner.

Her blood froze.

Someone else was there with her, but Remnya couldn't see it. Her heart began pumping adrenaline throughout her body again, and cold sweat prickled on her back.

Yanking the blanket off her, Remnya jumped from the bed and, holding the mattress, staggered awkwardly until her legs balanced her body. But as she tried to take the first step, she fell to her knees.

Remnya held back a grunt of pain and rubbed her bruised skin. How long had it been since she walked for the last time?

Unable to use her legs, she crawled toward the source of that sound.

From the corner of her eyes, Remnya sighted the reflection of the moon on a metallic doorknob, revealing a half-open door, and as she got closer, a familiar face emerged amid the gloom.

Debrin Kavram.

He was motionless, sitting on the cold floor and snoring.

Remnya stifled a gasp and scowled at the sight.

She remained still like a statue and took a moment to understand her new reality. An avalanche of questions filled her mind, and opposite ideas battled in her head, yet the tempest in her heart seemed to calm down.

Even though that man's intentions remained unknown, her gut told her she shouldn't fear him.

His snores resounded across the room while Remnya forced herself to stand up and walk. As a toddler, it took her several tries to take her first step.

On the tenth attempt, Remnya succeeded, and without thinking, she rushed to leave the room.

There was a short corridor sunken in darkness and, in the end, a room illuminated by a weak glow. Remnya tiptoed toward it, keeping her senses alert for any slight change, sound, or movement.

On the other side, an old lamp hanging from a wooden ceiling revealed a cramped room.

Mountains of boxes and tools rested over a table and scattered across the floor. Scanning the place, Remnya saw a gas stove and a large cupboard that looked hundreds of years old. On the opposite side, two ancient bookshelves completed the chaos.

The entire room looked stuck fifty years into the past.

As Remnya explored the place, the smell of fried food reached her nose, making her mouth water.

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