74: Mother

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Sirens pierced the night as ambulances and police cars flooded the streets of Fallen Star. Prey of panic, people ignored the authorities and tried to abandon the town in their vehicles. Zeo stood beside his car on the roadside, witnessing how a colossal column of black smoke and fire rose where the Azul Factory used to be. Everything else was in ruins, where molten metal and concrete sprawled across kilometers of devastation.

Zeo clenched his fists and ran toward the chaos, the heat in the air intensifying with every step. A group of firefighters tried to warn him not to go beyond the safe zone marked with red lights, but he ignored them.

On the horizon, an intense orange glow blinded Zeo, and a massive crater emerged before him like the very gates of hell.

As he contemplated the endless chaos, loud thuds shook the ground, echoing in his chest.

When a violent gush of wind battered his face, Zeo realized the fight was far from over. He moved closer to have a clearer view and discerned Ozura facing someone. He could barely follow their movements but recognized The Hunters' Uniform in her adversary.

An explosion flashed across the clouds, and a smoking body fell rapidly from the skies.

Ozura crashed onto the ground, sending rocks and debris flying everywhere. Zeo jumped over the ruins and reached her side. The lady lay half-buried in stones, her clothes destroyed and blood covering her face and chest. Her left arm was gone, and so was one of her horns.

"What are you doing here?" Ozura murmured weakly, opening her blood-filled eyes.

"Sorry, but I won't let you die alone here," Zeo told her and turned to face his new enemy.

An eerie man hovered in the sky, looming over them like the angel of death. His ripped coat waved wildly against the scorching wind, and scars covered his exposed muscular chest. "Are you Marakudra's wonder boy?" he asked, his deep black eyes glowing like onyx. "What has brought you to this place?"

"I came to face my destiny." Zeo glared at him.

"Don't be stupid . . . " Ozura said, holding his arm to draw herself up. "This is futile. You should've gone with Manzur." She staggered over the loose rocks, but Zeo held her firmly.

"Maybe so, but your daughter is waiting for you."

Ozura widened her eyes and hesitated before speaking. "Nonsense." She gritted her fangs. "I'm no mother. I deserve no child."

"You're wrong." Zeo raised his voice, scowling. "Despite everything, you're here willing to give your life to protect your daughter. That's what a true mother does."

Ozura lowered her gaze. "Is she okay?"

"Yes. When I left, Amy was sleeping with a smile."

"I see." She took a deep breath. "As long as my girl is safe, I don't care about anything else."

"She will be." Zeo's vectors buzzed like millions of bees around their bodies. "She's a warrior like you, after all."

The lady wiped the blood from her lips with her backhand. "Though, you should've never come." She locked her fiery eyes on the enemy, who descended from the skies and landed before them. "That man is Zagado Rain, a Vetzlayer. He can manipulate every known elemental and use telekinetic powers. There's very little we can do to stop him."

"Is that so?" Zeo turned to face him, scanning him from head to toe, and shrugged. "Well, I guess this will be my last battle then."

"Stop it!" she shouted, gripping his arm. "Amy needs you, and so does Remnya!"

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