30: Despair

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The familiar flavor of blood filled Zeo's mouth, along with the reek of that corpse rotting nearby. His irritated eyes locked on Ronner, who stood by an unconscious Remnya.

"Given your refusal to speak, I was forced to use more effective methods," Ronner said, caressing Remnya's face. Her soothing breath contrasted with the nightmare unfolding around her. "As you can see, she's unharmed. We put her to sleep painlessly."

"Leave her alone!" Zeo roared, twisting his body with brutal strength. The veins of his neck bulged as boiling blood raced throughout his body. "Fucking coward! Do anything to me, but don't hurt her!" Zeo's wrists and ankles bled due to his extreme force against the sharp metal. There was no pain, only a monstrous fury.

"No matter how much we torture you, you won't speak. I know that." Ronner giggled as he walked toward him. "But, it'll be a different story if your beloved girl is at stake, am I wrong?"

Zeo muffled a groan as the steel cut deeper into his skin. He didn't care about his life anymore; he had to get Remnya out of there.

"He's a stubborn one, isn't he?" Ronner shook his head ironically and gestured at Skado.

"We'll test the magnitude of his stubbornness," Skado said as he lifted his hand, aiming it at Remnya. A hissing sound filled the air. Sparks spat from his fingers as a ball of energy grew into his palm.

Zeo widened his eyes, his face gleaming with cold sweat.

"I'll give you ten seconds to speak," Ronner said, burying his fingers into Zeo's jaw. "Otherwise, Skado will destroy one of her legs."

"No . . . " Zeo murmured, trembling while his body fought to break free. "Don't do it!" His throat burned as he emptied his lungs.

"Don't worry, we won't kill her." Ronner patted his head and ruffled his hair. He chuckled. "But she won't be able to walk for a while."

"Perhaps," Skado added, glancing over his shoulder at Zeo. "We should wake her, so she can witness how her dear friend watches her get destroyed and does nothing."

Zeo stopped fighting, his body stiffened, and silence invaded his mind. Everything went blank.

"Tell me where Maria is, and we'll release your girl." Ronner kneeled in front of Zeo, a smile dancing above his lips.

"Please . . . " Zeo wanted to cry, but no tear escaped his eyes. That well had gone dry.

"10," Ronner started, his voice cutting through Zeo's flesh and bones.


Zeo's soul burned. Knives of fear and desperation slowly destroyed his spirit.


If they found Maria, their hopes would vanish forever. He knew there was no way she could reach out to Debrin Kavram in less than one month. He couldn't tell them yet.


But how could he allow Remnya to go through this?

Either choice led to hell, and he was, once again, powerless, weak, and useless.


How much he hated himself.


No matter what Remnya says . . .


I'm weak and a coward.



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