63: Emissary of Agony

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Amid the inferno devouring the forest remnants, an imposing figure emerged like a God Of Death, clad in a distinctive uniform with aggressive gold shapes and emblems contrasting the deep black Aramix of his coat, boots, and cape that waved like the flag of doom. His sole presence sent shivers through the ashes of those who had just perished in an unjust battle.

"Lord Azmon," Marakudra murmured, pushing herself from the ground, aided by Zeo's arm.

Burning hatred revolted Zeo's stomach as he observed the monster who, he knew, had always ruled their lives.

Two prominent horns protruded from Azmon's ash blonde hair that fell over his shoulders, swinging wildly against the burning wind. His deep ocean-blue eyes drilled into Zeo's soul, freezing him in place until he stopped before them.

"My lord," Mara said, burying her knee into the ground and lowering her head. She snatched Zeo's arm and yanked him with her, forcing him to kneel. Zeo thought spitting at that bastard's face was more fitting but obeyed his captain.


"It seems like our dear Debrin played his cards masterfully this time," Azmon said, his voice soothing like velvet, and gestured at Marakudra to stand up. Zeo helped her to ease from the ground and allowed her to use his shoulder to keep her balance.

"I apologize, my lord. Unfortunately, we were unable to catch Merle Zalah." Mara gritted her teeth, not daring to look Azmon straight in the eye with her bruised, swollen face.

Azmon chuckled and returned a pitiful look. "I'm rejoiced to see you alive, Mara darling." He moved closer and grabbed Marakudra by the chin, forcing her to stare at him. "Your army served its purpose. No need to feel sorry about it."

She widened her eyes at his words. "I apologize, my lord, but most of my army has been—"

"I know." Azmon twisted his lips into a gelid smirk, deep wrinkles filled with someone else's blood drawing across his pale face. "That's why I sent you on this mission. First and foremost, I needed to test what our friends from Karx were capable of. Now I've confirmed Debrin won't hesitate to sacrifice his own people if it comes to snatching a pitiful victory from us."

"My lord . . . " Mara clenched her fists, and her eyes displayed a spark of hatred. "Did my whole army perish so that you could test the enemy?" Her voice trembled.

"Dear Mara." Azmon leaned closer, his long thick nose touching hers. "I would sacrifice the whole world if that meant achieving my goals." He kissed Mara's cheek, tasting her blood. "Now, be thankful I allowed you to live another day. You're a good servant," he whispered in her ear.

Marakudra froze, her pupils flickering as if she held back her killer intent. Zeo observed her in silence and tightened his grasp around her arm, advising her not to do anything stupid.

"Now, please return to your landing point. A plane should arrive soon to carry the remnants of your army back home." Azmon turned his massive back to them and began to walk away, leaving a gloomy aura behind his Nephilim tail.

"Azmon," Zeo called without thinking, driven by his inner instincts. "Lord Azmon," he corrected himself and lowered his head.

Azmon stopped and gave him a sidelong glance. He scanned him from head to toe and waited for the words that would seal his fate.

"Forgive me for speaking to you, but I need to know, and I don't think I'll have another chance to ask you." Zeo lifted his gaze at him and clenched his fists. "Our fates . . . Remnya's and mine, have they been written before we were even born?"

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