23: A Dying Moon

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~Trigger Warning~



The clock announced midnight while the crescent moon peeked at Zeo from behind his window, bathing his dim room with a yellow glow. He waited on his bed, his belongings packed by his feet. That night would define the fate of many; he had to succeed for Remnya's sake.

If everything went as planned, he would be out of the mansion soon and on his own to find the last hope.

Despite the circumstances, his heart was calm, and his mind focused on a single goal. Perhaps all those years of pain had numbed his senses, or perhaps it was just the sheer will to protect his best friend. Zeo didn't know and didn't care. He would face any consequence that night.

Maria came for him as promised, gracious and elegant as usual. Her presence caused Zeo's heart to pump like crazy as all the accumulated tension had unleashed on him at once. Yet, he did his best to show confidence while she explained the details of his mission.

Brisa would take care of Ronner, and since Viper was out taking care of his father's business, their main concern was Skado. However, he didn't know the mansion as well as Maria, and she knew how to delay him along with the rest of his men.

Once outside, Zeo had to find Marcus' car, located in a garage three blocks away from the mansion. He had left it there on his last night. Only Magenta knew about it, and now, Maria and Zeo too. Lastly, the maid gave him a fake ID and a car license in case the police stopped him. The rest was Zeo's job.

"Are you okay?" Maria asked, staring at him with concerned eyes.

"Yes!" Zeo rushed to answer through the knot in his throat. His hands and feet were soaked with cold sweat. The weight of everyone's hopes rested on his shoulders. But that was his choice, and he smiled, thinking about what Remnya would say if she knew.

He took a deep breath and pushed his concerns deep into a corner of his soul. There was no place for hesitation anymore.

"Thank you, Maria," he muttered, narrowing his eyes at her.

Maria beamed at him. "Thank you too, Zeo. You're brave."

Zeo froze for a moment, trying to digest her words. She was the third person in his life to call him brave. His face heated up, turning red like a tomato. Was it because her words meant the world to him? Or was it because she was, after Remnya, the cutest girl he had ever seen? Zeo didn't know, but his confidence reached the sky.

"I am ready," he said firmly, puffing his chest and tightening the grasp on his bag. That was his night, and he would succeed.

Zeo followed Maria through the tenderly illuminated hallways. Her sweet perfume caressed his nose. He couldn't help but admire her mesmerizing figure as she strolled ahead of him. However, there was no time for trivial things. He shook his dumb thoughts away and focused on the task at hand.

Everything seemed to go as planned as they crossed the last hall and reached the back garden. A cobblestone walkway accompanied by a line of fancy lampposts separated Zeo from his goal.

They waited, the song of crickets hammering in Zeo's ears.

The lights turned off.

Maria nodded at him and took the first step into the darkness. Zeo followed her.

Adrenaline raced through his veins like electricity, threatening to stop his heart.

The distance seemed to grow larger with each step.

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