76: Genesis

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Having left the burnt forest behind, Debrin and Remnya advanced through the main highway in Lacacia, connecting the Republic of Razdef with the Kingdom of Rexton. Debrin explained that Karx had always controlled the neighboring country, and his king welcomed them in exchange for protection. The Hunters' influence in the Kingdom was limited. However, Azmon held power over a few rebel provinces, which caused instability in the entire country.

An imposing gorge marked the border between both nations, where massive mountain chains squeezed the road and cast everlasting shadows. Remnya stuck her head out the window to feel the fresh wind of vortexes imprisoned by ancient rock. There was a marked difference between both sides of the road: green and humid to the east and dry with reddish rock to the west.

On the horizon, a large road sign with intense LED lights read: Welcome to The Kingdom of Rexton, and multiple military vehicles appeared stationed on the roadside with armed soldiers.

A soldier holding an anti-Nephilim rifle stopped their car and approached the driver's window with a look of disgust. "IDP, REG ID, and Authorization Letter," he told Debrin, then glanced at Remnya, scanning her from head to toe.

Debrin's vectors emerged from his face, glowing orange, and penetrated the man's head.

The soldier's pupils dilated, and a second later, he smiled stupidly at them. "Welcome to the Kingdom," he said and bowed.

"Thank you," Debrin replied and resumed his driving.

Remnya stared at him but chose not to ask questions.

When the gorge ended, endless verdant meadows welcomed them to the other side. They crossed farmlands and small towns, and the road became a rollercoaster of ascents and descents. Remnya noticed people looked different, yet familiar. Their features faintly reminded her of Brisa's, filling her chest with nostalgia.

"Where's Green Valley?" she asked, admiring the windmills along the road.

"To the west." Debrin pointed to the hills in the distance. "There's an intersection ahead where you can take the road that leads there."

"That's where Brisa was born."

He turned to her. "Do you wish to go there?"

Remnya tightened her lips and shook her head. "No. There's something else I need to do first."

They crossed the intersection and took a sinuous mountain road. A steep ascent began, and Remnya contemplated Brisa's birthplace down on the horizon, wondering if she would live long enough to visit that place someday. Nonetheless, the answer didn't disturb her soul anymore.

The Kingdom of Nebran was the country's capital and main metropolis, but their destination was a small village at the feet of a volcano called Extaquia.

After one hour, they finally stopped before a farmland full of goats and mountain cows. A familiar old man waved at them and opened a wooden gate, allowing them into the property.

"Welcome, my lord." He bowed.

Remnya stepped out of the truck and noticed a red sedan parked in front of them. The man walked to her and smiled, wrinkles spreading through his hardened face. "Remnya, I'm so glad to see you alive."

"Manzur?" Remnya widened her eyes. "How did you survive?"

"It's a long story." He gestured with his chin toward the red car nearby. "But on my way, I found someone who will be truly happy to see you."

"Really?" Remnya turned around to inspect the place. Several cabins faded in the distance along green fields, and multiple people in Karx Uniforms gathered around them.

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