66: Home, Bitter Home

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The day woke gray with thick fog engulfing the hills on the horizon and a drizzle that soaked Zeo's new clothes, given to him to blend in with the crowd. He stood still under the tender water drops caressing his face and stared at the aircraft that had just dropped him, taking off from the Fallen Star Airport.

After informing Marakudra of their arrival, he headed toward the parking lot, where his chosen warriors awaited him: Arkor, Kristina, and Stella. The first two hadn't hesitated to join him, but Stella grimaced with hatred when her name appeared on his list. However, Zeo knew those three were the best choices, and the success of his mission depended on them.

Zeo scanned the crowded parking lot and spotted his companions next to two vehicles. They looked like ordinary teenagers in their casual attires, and other than their scars and melancholic eyes, no one could tell they were slaves of The Hunters.

Arkor smiled when Zeo stood before them and observed the two vehicles parked nearby: a black van and a blue sedan. Average-looking cars meticulously prepared by The Hunters to face the challenges of their mission.

"Not what I expected, but this will do," Zeo said, knocking on the hood of the blue car. He could feel the thick bulletproof layer underneath.

"I've not driven in so long! I wonder if I still remember how to do it?" Arkor turned to Kristina and Stella. "Unless any of you wanna do it?"

Kristina shook her head, and Stella ignored him as she shifted awkwardly and shot suspicious glances at every passerby.

"She's been like that all day," Arkor whispered to Zeo.

"I'm not used to crowds," Stella retorted, pulling up her hoodie to cover part of her face.

"Relax!" Arkor smirked, brushing up his wet hair to uncover his forehead. "This is nice for a change. The smell of people is captivating." He followed a pretty girl with his eyes and licked his lips.

Stella rolled her eyes with disgust.

"Don't worry," Zeo spoke calmly but bore his pupils on Stella, who glared at him. "This will be over before you know it. After that, you can return to your cage if that's what you want."

"We got no place to return," Kristina added, frowning.

Arkor put his finger on his lips, suggesting she remain silent.

"Alright, listen." Zeo straightened his back. "Our mission is simple. Arkor and Kristina will head to the town's outskirts and locate the two Hybrids hiding in that farm Marakudra mentioned. You already have the coordinates of that place on your phone, so it should be easy to find them. Once you do, let me know and wait for orders. Understood?"

"Roger, boss." Arkor saluted him, holding back his laughter, and Kristina nodded.

"Stella and I will head to the orphanage in the southern area of the town." She grimaced at his words, but Zeo had good reasons to take her with him. "I know that place very well, so it shouldn't take us long. Any questions?"

Kristina raised her hand. "Our Captain said those two Hybrids posed no threat to us, but how should we proceed if we encounter issues? They won't come with us willingly."

"Fair point." Zeo thought for a moment. "If you judge the situation could escalate and present a risk to our mission, wait for us. Limit yourself to monitor our targets and keep them from escaping."

"Now that I think about it, we have scarce information about the people we're dealing with," Arkor added, crossing his arms. "All they told us was 'two hybrids between twelve and eighteen.' Nothing else."

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