29: Nightmare

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Lightning broke through the night sky as violent winds stripped the trees from their leaves. Remnya was leaning on the balcony of her window, a flame flickering in her hand, unyielding. A burst of rain whipped her cheeks, evaporating against her skin. Her body was dry; no raindrop could penetrate the crimson aura surrounding her.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, shaking the ground under her feet.

The crystal windows from her room opened behind her, and Brisa walked outside, carrying an umbrella. She squinted as a gust of wind splashed her face. "Why don't you come inside?" Brisa asked. "You've been there for hours."

Remnya said nothing. Her mind was stranded far away.

"I asked Ronner what you told me." Brisa stood next to her, covering both of them with her umbrella. "He agreed to it. Magenta will be buried next to Marcus."

"Thank you," Remnya replied, her voice empty.

"You did everything you could," Brisa assured, combing Remnya's messy hair with her fingertips and then rubbing her back. Remnya's body was glowing crimson, but it would never harm Brisa. "You were there for her until the end."

"Yeah." Remnya closed her eyes and allowed the cold raindrops to land on her skin, washing away the sorrow. "When will the wedding be now?"

"I don't know. Ronner needs to get rid of some people first. Her sudden death raised a lot of questions among the citizens." Brisa let out a deep sigh. "I wish the world could see who he really is."

"They will." Remnya's gaze landed on Brisa. "I'll make sure of it."

"Rem, you need to think about this carefully."

"I did." Her voice was sharp like a knife.

Brisa gulped. "What if your plan fails?"

"It won't." Remnya's eyes returned to the sky as her body glowed crimson again. Her drenched clothes waved as the water evaporated.

Brisa lowered her gaze and nodded. "So, what do I need to do?" she asked, tightening the grip around her umbrella.

"Nothing." The fire in Remnya's hand crackled, spitting sparks. "When the day comes, I'll take care of them." She glanced at her bedroom. Two loaded weapons hid under her bed. "I'll take Skado down with a surprise attack. Viper won't be here that night, so I'll take my chances."

"What if that fails?"

"I still have my fire to fight."

"What about Zeo?" Brisa bit her lower lip.

"I'll talk to Zeo. He will have to hide and come for you once Skado is out of the game. Meanwhile, I'll lure Ronner away from the mansion."

"No way Zeo would allow you to do such a thing!" Brisa raised her voice, furrowing her eyebrows.

"He will!" Remnya glared at her, her eyes landing on Brisa like a punch. "I'll force him to leave if necessary!" She slammed her fist against the railing of her balcony, cracking the marble. "Even if I have to knock him out and drag him out of here myself!"

Brisa widened her eyes, disbelief spreading across her face.

"None of them expect the little Nephilim to stand up for herself and fight. They've always used fear to control everyone." Remnya's pupils dilated and spat fire. "But I'm not afraid of them anymore!"

"Remnya, please!" Brisa pleaded, wrapping her fingers around her clenched fist. "Don't do this. You're not thinking straight. They'll hurt you!"

"I don't care!" Remnya yelled, shaking her hand off her. "They have to pay for everything!" Her hair bristled as crimson flames burst from her body, missing Brisa's face by inches and quickly fading into sparks and smoke.

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