9: Black Diamonds

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The wind blew wild that cold night, dragging depressing clouds past the crescent moon. Marcus was standing on the mansion porch, a cigarette between his lips and both hands in his pockets. He looked different, wearing an elegant black tuxedo. The shadow drawing across his face turned his obsidian eyes into holes of darkness.

Strangely, the events of that night lingered in his mind. Why? Regret was still unknown, but something else burdened his soul. His path seemed feeble. Like a slippery road, his steps felt uncertain.

However, there was no time for hesitation. He had to do it for her.

For her.

Magenta slammed the front door and bolted outside. She was wearing a long, dark carmine dress that fell on her ankles, tickling the diamonds on her black heels. She paced around her fountain, inspecting every detail as she brushed the marble with her pale fingers. The water shined with a cobalt glow while six beams of water danced and drew fancy figures in different tones of red.

The Lady walked up to Marcus. "Why that face?" she asked, frowning.

"It's nothing, my lady."

"He's coming soon. You better change that face of yours now!" Magenta glared at him. She looked more agitated than usual.

"Yes, my lady." Marcus forced a smile. Magenta rolled her emerald eyes and dashed back inside.

Marcus let out a deep sigh. His thoughts were wild animals trapped in his brain, and he was trying to keep them caged. He lit his twentieth cigarette in one hour and fixed his eyes on the entrance.

The wind calmed, and silence materialized for a quick second.

A sudden clank resounded as the front gates of the mansion opened. A vermilion limousine drove through, blinding Marcus with its blue headlights until it stopped at the entrance. Two men in black suits stepped out.

The tallest one opened the back door, and a man in a flamboyant red suit descended from the car. He adjusted his lapel as a smug smirk drew across his flushed, plump face. He tightened his bowtie and strutted toward the entrance.

He looked like a giant tomato in his gaudy attire. Gold teeth dazzled dimly on his twisted smile while multiple rings sparkled on his fat fingers. Most of his hair was gone, except for a few black strands on the back of his head.

Magenta was waiting for him at the door, accompanied by Maria and Karen, another one of her maids. He walked up to them, swaying his body in a feminine rhythm. He glanced at the maids and then locked his eyes on The Lady.

"Dear Magenta, long time no see!" he said, grabbing her hands between his and greeting her by kissing her cheek.

"Mr. Doman, it's a pleasure to see you again." Magenta returned a beautiful smile.

"I've heard great things, and I had to come and see them by myself." He didn't let go of Magenta's hands.

"You'll be pleased. It's probably better than you think."

"Now, those are good news!" He laughed in a high-pitched grunt. "Please, dear Magenta, call me Persen."

"Alright, Persen. Let me introduce you to my girls." She reached out for Maria. "This is Maria. I think you've met her before."

Persen approached Maria, biting his lower lip. He seized her hands and kissed her cheek with an open mouth that left a trail of saliva on her. "How are you, young Maria? It's been a while!"

"It has, Mr. Doman," Maria said, smiling as her body squirmed nervously.

Magenta introduced the other girl and then invited him to come inside. Persen allowed the ladies to go first. But when Maria walked past him, he reached out for her rear. The maid gasped and glanced at him in disbelief, her lavender eyes widening.

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