No Offense But...

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No Offense but, this is some shit that I’ve seen lately that needs to stop. Like now. Two days ago.

The reason I refuse to be an avidly vocal activist for eating disorders, r*pe victims, addiction awareness, feminism, alcoholism, self-harm, child abuse, PTSD, mental illness, and all that other shit that I’m supposed to advocate (aside from the fact that I think it’s self-righteous, I think playing the victim card as an excuse is pathetic, and I refuse to play the “blame society game” that’s the most popular thing ever right now) is because I think all these people go about it the wrong way.

If we’re all fighting for understanding and equality, why do we insist on putting others down to get ourselves to rise above adversity?

Seriously. I’ve been seeing this more and more in comments and stories and I’m just incredibly sick of it. C’mon, guys. We can do better.

And since I’ve been loving these lists, let me make one and tell you why I think all this shit is beyond awful. Then, I wanna give you a challenge, and the fun part is, if you do the challenge, leave the link in the comments (or PM it to me, I don’t care) and I will read it.

1.       Write about different races/ethnicities because white is boring.

I absolutely agree that there should be diversity in books. I think it’s fucking ignorant as hell to get there by saying white is boring.

Yes, have a mixture. It’s great. It’s real! It’s fabulous.

But don’t get there by saying white is horrible or stupid. No race/ethnicity is stupid.

In fact, why do we even mention race? Why not make it ambiguous? Ever think of that? Why does it matter?

Challenge: Write a story and never mention race until the end (if at all) and see how people respond. Do it. I’m excited (and incredibly curious. Also, if you have time, use conditioner and then shampoo when you take a shower. I really want to know what happens).

2.       Curvy girls are beautiful, because thigh gaps/collar bones are creepy.

Have you guys seen this before? I’m sure you have. I see this all the damn time. It’s called skinny shaming (apparently? I dunno. Don’t care enough to find out). But you know what? Some people are born with bigger bone structures. They look bigger or curvier. It’s okay.

Some people are naturally smaller and prone to having thigh gaps or collar bones. It’s okay.

Calling someone a fat whale or a creepy skeleton is not okay. See the difference?

Even if you say you’re just playing. Or no offense.

Why the hell do we do this to ourselves? Seriously. I’m so tired of this shit. I really, truly am. It is not okay to make fun of big people. It is not okay to make fun of little people.

Challenge: either never mention your character’s size OR don’t use qualifying statements (e.g. “I’m so fat people make fun of me”, “I’m super skinny like a Victoria’s Secret model”, or “I have curves in all the right places”)

3.       It’s totally okay to joke about skinny people having eating disorders.

Do you know how many times I’ve run across the phrase “I’m skinny and people think I’m a creepy anorexic girl” on Wattpad.

Let me ask you. Am I creepy? (Maybe don’t answer that. Worst example ever. Ever.)

Why do you think eating disorders have one of the highest death rates of any mental disorder? Because people with them are capable of acting so normal that no one knows something is wrong (okay, maybe that isn’t the real reason, but stay with me (but seriously, those “mental stability tests” are a fucking joke)).

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