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Some of you have noticed (and are already mad) and some of you have not yet realized that I've never actually said my best friend's name in this rant book. Well, at least the one he goes by, but I've given you guys billions of subtle clues (and his actual first name is written in here though I didn't attach it to him). And now that I've brought this to your attention it's probably going to drive you crazy. You're welcome.

That was mean, I know. I'm feeling saucy. I just like playing games where I give you hints you don't know are hints and then eventually someone has a big ah-ha moment. This is how I keep myself entertained.

And if you figure it out (either his actual first name or the one he goes by) tell me and you'll win a prize. I don't know what yet, but you'll get something. Who doesn't like prizes?

Moving on, today let's talk about a serious topic, because I got a request for it: Bullies/Bullying

Did you know that the "falling in love with my bully" storyline is still a thing? Like, people still write it? Yeah. No. It is. It's somewhat disturbing, but I'm trying to be good about not immediately writing things off just because they sound strange to me. Hell, if I did that, I'd never read anything ever again and where's the fun in that?

Anyway, I just want to preface this by saying I've never really experienced the kind of bullying I've seen portrayed here (because some people sent me some bully stories to read and wow. Okay. It's intense). I went to a small high school. We didn't have cliques or anything like that. If someone was being a bully, someone else put them in their place pretty quick. It wasn't really like TV or the movies. And none of the schools I've worked in since (not all that many, but still) have had problems quite as severe as the ones I've seen here.

And in college. Ha. Too many drinks, too little time. I feel like it's high school shit that I have left behind me and I just don't give a shit anymore, but I know it's still a problem. And I realize types of bullying can be present in the workplace, so I thought we'd go ahead and discuss it. Here is another one of my lovely little lists I'm obsessed with:

1. Why is the bully bullying?

Typically the popular people aren't just bullies. Let me let you in on this super top secret fun fact about life: popular people are usually popular because people like them. Gasp! I know. It's scandalous. Everyone is supposed to love arrogant assholes and worship at the pretty people's feet. Yeah. No. That doesn't happen in real life (all the time. Sometimes yes. Anything is possible!) But what I'm saying is, why is it okay for popular people to bully? Because it's always someone popular being the aggressor in these stories and that confuses me.

Back in my day, the popular kids were popular because they didn't take shit from bullies and they didn't let other people take shit from bullies. In fact, the bullies were kind of the losers. If you were mean for fun, you probably didn't have that many friends.

And that's something I've learned more about as I got older: people don't bully because they feel like it. They do it because it gives them control. They feel powerful. Sometimes they don't know how to interact with people. I'd like to see that side more. Instead of it just being, I hate the bully until I learn why they're a bully (and it's always because of their shitty dark past) why not explore why the bully is a bully!

Don't give me this long, stupid woe-is-me story (because there is nothing I hate more than a woe-is-me story. It's part of my stone cold persona). Give me a real journey about self-discovery. About self-conviction and self-betterment. Don't let love conquer all. At some point you have to face your demons and I'd like to see more bully stories about that. Because someday the bully has to grow up if they don't want to end up worthless and on the streets. Just a thought.

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