Things that Aren't Actually Romantic (Part 2!)

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This rant is by popular demand: Things that Aren't Actually Romantic (Part 2!)

1. Hospitals/Being Sick

This was actually the most popular/most requested thing brought up by you guys in the last one of these and I could not agree more. Who wants to be all romantic and lovely when they're sick? Seriously. Let's be honest. Sick days are days when you don't look or feel your best. And yeah, it's great to have someone that is willing to help you out and put up with your crabbiness during these times, but come on. If you're sick enough, you're not going to enjoy it like you should. And you should pamper each other under no conditions, not just because one of you is sick.

A lot of people also brought up the fact that hospitals are not romantic and I couldn't agree more. Like, I've never had a baby, so I can't speak for that portion of hospital visits (because I bet that's actually kind of a disgustingly beautiful moment), but the times I've been in the hospital have been less than romantic.

And that's a big thing. You aren't yourself when you're sick or injured and needing to go to the hospital. This isn't a chance to make a hugely romantic moment or gesture in your story. This is a moment to show a different side of your character. If it's not a serious sickness (because we all know common colds aren't serious outside of seriously sucking) this is a chance for some comic relief. Let your character act like a fool. Let them lose control.

Don't make it so pretty that someone is there to care for them. You don't have to be a helpless baby when you're sick. You can still function. Don't let the world stop because your character sneezed.

2. Vacations/Getaways after a Week

This is more for the insta-love scenarios, because I see it all the time there, but if you've been dating less than, let's say a month (even though I still think that's kind of quick, but I'm a slow mover), you probably don't need to be travelling cross country with the guy. Okay, if you were friends first. If you've known each other for a long time, fine. Go on some wild vacation with him. But if you've only just met, maybe don't. It might be nice to, I don't know, meet his family. Meet his friends. Meet his co-workers. Spend a little time together. Actually get to know each other. Run a background check. Just the little stuff before you go around the world with someone.

Because what if this dude is a serial killer? What if he's actually a jerk and you get stuck with this dude for an entire week because you can't afford plane tickets back home? What if he is actually married and just trying to get you away from his wife so she doesn't find out about you guys? Any one of these would make a pretty awesome story, actually. Someone write it and I'll read it. You know what to do, write it up, leave it in the comments, and I'll be your avid #1 reader. I always do.

Anyway, my point: I'm not saying vacations can't be romantic. I love vacations. I go see my best friend on weekends where he is as often as I can and it's great. Even just a day at a motel or his apartment or a friend's place is great. If I didn't know him? Not so much.

My rule of thumb is that I don't travel with anyone I've known less than six months. I just don't. Honestly, I won't even get in a car alone with them to drive over to the next town if I've known them less than six months. And I know that's obsessive, but 1. I have this weird stranger complex, 2. I move slow in relationships (even friendships), and 3. If it's just the next town over, I could probably run there just as quickly.

But these characters will go anywhere with anyone at anytime. Didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers? Don't get in their van! Even if they say they have candy!

And these MCs are teenagers. What parent would let their teenager go somewhere for even just one night with their boyfriend? A pretty cool one, I guess. I didn't get to go anywhere. If I was going to be bad, I had to do it before curfew.

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