The Young CEO/Billionaire

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Hey, guys. It's Addy! Remember me? Yeah. I disappeared off the face of the earth for a while, but I have returned. Long story short, my best friend came back from a tour of duty overseas and I went and lived with him for the summer. And then he left to do a second tour and it's one of those deployments where I don't know where he is or when he'll be back and I haven't even heard from him in two weeks. But it'll all be okay. I know it will. And in the meantime, you guys can keep me company even though I'm horrible and have neglected you the whole summer.

And now that the horrible, sad explanation and apology are out of the way, let's get to the rant, which I'm assuming is why y'all are here anyway.

Guys, I think we might have found something I haven't done: date my boss. However, my best friend was technically my manager for a while, so count it if you like, but I don't want to. This tally is making me look bad.

So, without further ado, the list of The Young CEO/Billionaire

Now, I had to do some research for this rant, since I don't actually read these stories, but they continue to be popular. So for research, I skimmed through eight of the top ones (and I won't mention names or even where I found them, because we're not here to bash specific people. I'm sure the authors are lovely people).

These are the problems I found (and some of my notoriously bad tips):

1. He usually stalks her

This happens a lot and I don't even think people realize that's what's going on. Some people don't have a problem at all with it, but I have a huge problem with someone keeping tabs on me at all hours of the day like these billionaire/ CEO guys do. In at least three of the stories I skimmed, he buys the MC a car and then keeps rack of all her movements.

If she takes a day off, it's only when he knows about it (if he isn't with her that day anyway). When I take a day off work, I tell them whether it's medical or personal. They don't have to know exactly why. There are laws saying they don't have to know why.

She stops hanging out with her friends. He meets her family in no time (and she rarely meets his, but we'll get into that later). In at least one that I read, he goes through her employment information to find out personal things about her (like her birthday, address, and even emergency contacts). Yes, bosses are allowed to know that. No, they are not allowed to use that personal information for their own benefit.

My point here: you may think it's a guy being sweet and "checking up" on the sweet little innocent MC, but it's abuse. Seriously. If she's not allowed to go anywhere or do anything without him knowing about it, that's considered abuse. It's fine if they have an open relationship without any secrets. But it should be through the consent of both him and her. It can't be that he's tracking the mileage on her car, tapping into her cellphones so he can find her at a bar (inevitably just to show up right before she's about to be raped so he can save the day).

The suggestion I have for this type of thing: don't make him stalk her. I've had stalkers (three if you want to be precise) and it was not fun. They've broken into my house before and were waiting for me when I got off work (which one of these CEOs did in one of the stories I skimmed) and do you know what I did? I didn't just argue with them and tell them I'm a strong, independent girl, then take a shower with them. I called the fucking police. Because that shit is not okay. You do not come into my home without an invitation.

2. Kidnapping is okay

I didn't read them (obviously), but I ran across three (yeah, that's right. One, two, three) stories that advertised the female MC being kidnapped by the boss/ CEO. And they were marked as romance. And that's just not okay. Every time I (or even other people) bring up this HUGE problem of people falling in love with their captors, someone always has to bring up Stolkholm Syndrome. Do you people not realize what a cop-out that is?

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