The Golden Boy

673 26 14

Excuse me if I get majorly bitchy and offensive, but this rant is something I'm insanely passionate about.

Let's talk about: The Golden Boy

Y'know the guy I'm talking about. The "star" player of the football/basketball/baseball team that every girl swoons over and takes all their clothes off for and blah, friggin' blah.

Can I just tell you how much this pisses me off? Like seriously. I hate how ignorant people can be.

You know nothing about sports if you think that captain of the team just has natural talent and all this time for screwing people and being a stuck up asshole. Because everything is just handed to them, right?

How many times do I have to tell you this? Natural talent means nothing on a good team.

My best friend was the captain of the football and basketball teams his senior (and junior for basketball) year. He was hands down, without a doubt, the best player we had. He had the most talent, the most drive, the most courage, and the most skill. He had scouts from major schools asking for his tapes and sending him letters.

And yeah, I'm bragging about him. Why? Because nothing, absolutely nothing (you hear me? N-O-T-H-I-N-G) was handed to him. He worked for every position he got. Talent didn't save his ass on that. If anything, having talent made him have to work harder.

I've watched him work to the point of literally destroying his body just because people relied on him that much.

I'm sick of everyone assuming the star player is just lucky. I would call that life anything but luck.

When you're the best player on a team (and everyone knows it) there is insane pressure on you. Especially if it's a small town, like where I came from (and where a lot of these stories are set).

Scouts aren't going to find you if you come from a tiny school in the middle of the nowhere unless your coaches get in contact because you have seriously worked at a superior level.

No, instead of always having it your way, your ass is constantly being yelled at, people are always talking about your personal life like it's their business, and every mistake you make is scrutinized to an almost blasphemous level. You're expected to lead an entire group of your peers, fix all their mistakes, and make their jobs easy.

And that's not just having shit handed to you.

In case you couldn't tell, I get extremely pissed when sports stars get this bad rep as being stuck up and snobby and worthless outside of their "talent". I watched this label tear my best friend apart.

Everyone expected him to be the best and to always pull out a win. If we lost, it was his fault. If we lost, he lost another scholarship opportunity. If we lost, he took the blame for what other people did wrong. If we lost, he lost chances at going to good schools. If we lost, he lost respect.

And it didn't come from the coaches. It came from the town and the school.

People would be downright rude to him if we lost a game and it was awful, because he was the absolute nicest guy. Seriously, if you can't get along with my best friend then you're the jerk. He loves everyone.

Yet, everyone sees that he was the "captain" and the "golden boy" and they assume he put no work into his craft and went through life on his looks and talent and that couldn't be farther from the truth.

And because I'm so sick of everyone on Wattpad acting like all these "star" players are jerks that do nothing and still win, I'll just share with you HALF of what my best friend did and went through.

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