Writing a Male POV

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I’m not really sure why people have so much trouble with this, but here you go.

We’re gonna discuss: Writing in a Male POV

Seriously, why does everyone find this so hard? It’s not.

Guys aren’t as different from girls as we’d like for them to be (stay with me kids. Don’t point out the obvious).

If you read the chapter, “Inside the Mind of a Man” you would understand. There really wasn’t anything special about the way a guy thinks. Seriously. I had people asking me if I answered for my best friend, but no. He answered those questions.

We just think alike. (Because we’re awesome.)

Too often people want to say “guys aren’t emotional. Don’t write any emotion in their character. Make them strictly fact.”


The Sociology professor I had my first year of college (was a quack) told us how men have a smaller corpus callosum, which is the part of the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres. Now, supposedly, this is why guys typically are less prone to think as emotionally as women…they simply don’t have the capacity to process their emotions at a level of women. They can’t carry emotions into the logic side of the brain like women can.

(I’m not sure just how much merit this argument has. The guy was old…as are my notes, so I don’t know how much is fact and how much was Dr. Morton just teaching us shit he thought was funny because he was retiring anyway).

But that doesn’t mean they simply don’t have any emotions. Not at all!

Guys aren’t made of stone. They can be sad. They can get angry. They can be happy. They can get complicated. They can be irrational.

They can have their own personalities.

And whatever you do, don’t make them tough and hard on the outside, but inside they’re just overly poetic softies. At least not if you ask me to read it, because I hate that. Lots of people like it, but I don’t.

That’s on me, though, I guess. I don’t like it with female characters either.

I don’t want them to cry over everything because inside they’re a huge baby.

I like intense emotions. I like the whiplash of each new chapter.

Another issue (let’s just get them all while I’m here), I’m not sure why the moment someone mentions eye color or hair color in a male POV everyone jumps and says, “no! Guys don’t notice stuff like that”.

Bullshit. I don’t notice stuff like that (and I can assure you that, yes, I am of the female nature).

My coworkers are always getting pissed at me because they’ll ask me about certain customers and I have no idea who they’re talking about because I don’t pay attention. I don’t make eye contact with people unless I absolutely have to.

I don’t look at people. I don’t remember their eye color or hair color or that crap because I’m probably not looking at them.

My brother can though. If you ask him at the end of the day all the people he communicated with that day, he could describe them.

So it’s not true that guys can’t notice smaller details. Yeah, lots of them are about the bigger picture, but they don’t all always have to be.

When you write in a male POV, they can notice things. It’s okay.

And they don’t have to be so manly. Don’t try so hard.

It makes me want to gag when I read “yeah, she’s got nice tits. Damn, I’d fuck her hard.”

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